UCC2 general purpose outputs
These 7 transistor output signals (pins 6 to 12) are switched on and off by commands from the host computer (See the UCC programmers
guide, command number 318). The outputs are active low.
When the output is not activated the transistor is not switched on and the output pin is lightly pulled high (+24 V) via a 100K resistor. When
the output is activated, by sending a ‘1' to the relevant control bit the transistor will turn on, pulling the output pin down to the 0 V ﴾24 V
return) line.
UCC2 general purpose inputs
These 6 opto-isolated LED inputs (pins 13 to 18) to the UCC2 can be used to send signals from the CMM to the CMM host computer via the
UCC2 (see the UCC programmers guide, command number 279). Pulling an input pin low, towards the 0 V (24 V return line) will cause the
controller to return a ‘0' in reply to the read command.
Air solenoid
This output signal (pin 2) is used to activate the CMM main air supply solenoid (if fitted). The output becomes active as soon as a
downloadable is sent to the UCC2 controller. The output is active low.
X, Y and Z brakes
These outputs (pins 3,4 and 5) are used to disengage the CMM axis brakes (if fitted). The outputs become active as soon as the CMM servos
are engaged. During the commissioning process it is possible to invert the output from the brake connections from active low to an active
UCC2 and UCC2-2 installation guide
Issued 07 2021