c) You are now told that the UCC2 or UCC2-2 does not have an IP address:
d﴿ Fill in the desired IP address – the IP Configuration software has given you a head start by filling in the network part of the address
appropriate for the network adapter you have selected. ﴾See “IP addressing” for a discussion of the choice and of IP addresses in general.﴿
e﴿ Click on ‘Configure PC and UCC pair'. If all is well this will result in a confirmatory dialogue box:
The UCC2 or UCC2‐2 will now have moved into its ‘waiting for download' state – shown by the error LED flashing slowly.
You have established the UCC2 or UCC2-2 PC system using the IP addresses of "Setting the IP address of the PC" and this section.
Whenever you change one of the items in this pairing, e.g. by connecting a different UCC2 or UCC2-2 to the PC, you must
re-run the UCC2 or UCC2-2 IP configuration software to establish the new UCC2 or UCC2-2 PC system.
UCC2 and UCC2-2 installation guide
Issued 07 2021