the ‘cannot start move' or the ‘illegal parameter' status flag with the normal ‘action complete' flag.
Possible causes, tests, cures
The ‘ illegal parameter ‘ flag indicates that the scan command may contain a parameter which is outside its acceptable range or is not
logical. See the definition of the scan command.
Check that none of the faults which would stop a move are present, see above, except that a scan CAN be started with the probe deflected.
The absolute datum and master datum have not been set.
The analogue probe has not been qualified
In the case of 2D or 3D scans, the actual position at the point that the scan command is issued, is different from the specified position by
more than the “positional tolerance” ﴾see command 308﴿. To resolve this problem, either ensure that the parameters are the same, or move
to the correct start position.
If the search for a surface starts but then stops the search distance is smaller than the gap between the starting point and the surface. To
resolve this set a larger search distance for the scan.
The UCC2 licence has not been upgraded to permit scanning
UCC2 and UCC2-2 installation guide
Issued 07 2021