Chapter 3
About Exigo Tool
Exigo tool manual
Chapter 3
About Exigo Tool
Exigo tool is a Windows-based PC program for configuration and maintenance of the Exigo series
Exigo tool has not been designed with the intention of being a fully fledged SCADA program.
The display window is divided into several parts:
At the top, there is a menu bar with standard Windows type drop-down menus.
Below the menu bar is a toolbar that gives direct access to various functions. All functions in the
toolbar are also accessible through the menu bar system.
Below the toolbar there is a row of folder tabs giving access to several folders that can be shown, one
at a time in the area below the tabs.
At the bottom of the window is the status bar.
This manual will mainly describe the functions of the items in the menu bar and the buttons in the
toolbar. These functions are basically the same for all Exigo applications. Since the contents of the
folders vary depending on which of the programs you are running they will not be covered in detail
in this manual. Use the Exigo manual for reference.