Chapter 5
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Exigo tool manual
TCP/IP communication
If the controller has a TCP/IP port, it can communicate via a TCP/IP network. This is done by
Use a TCP/IP port in this controller
By pressing on
TCP/IP, website and e-mail settings
, you can choose between three different
connection possibilities:
Crossover network cable
Automatically by DHCP (dynamic IP address)
Static IP address
See chapter 10 for the remaining setting options.
1. Crossover network cable
In the most basic case, a crossover network cable, E CABLE-TCP/IP, is used. The user is connected
directly to the controller. Connect a crossover TCP/IP-cable directly between the controller and the
computer. Start Exigo tool. Open the tool ”Communication settings” from the menu
or via the
icon in the toolbar.
Use a TCP/IP port in this controller
. The program will ask if you are using a crossover
network cable. Answer ”Yes” to this question. The program will now search for controllers. Since no
DHCP is available, a ”broadcast” address will be used. Therefore, it is important that the computer is
only connected directly to the current controller with a crossover Cat5-cable. If the search was
successful, the controller’s IP-settings will be shown: IP address, Subnet mask and Default Gateway
(if there is one). If no values are shown: press ”Search”. A search window will be opened and
hopefully the controller’s TCP/IP card will be found and its serial number will be shown in the
window. Select the row and press ”OK”.
If the program cannot find a controller:
Check the cable and contacts.
Control if there are more active network connections via
Control panel
. Inactivate all except ”Local area connection”. If a wireless network connection
is active, it should also be deactivated.
Enter the IP address, the Subnet mask and, if any, the Gateway for the controller and press
Load TCP/IP settings