Exigo tool manual
Chapter 7
To deactivate a period, set the time to 00:00 – 00:00.
To run the unit 24 hours a day, set the time to 00:00 – 24:00.
: An interval cannot exceed over midnight. For example, if you want to configure a period from
18:00 to 02:00, you have to divide it into two periods: Day 1 18:00 – 24:00 and day 2 00:00 – 02:00.
Holiday schedule
Up to 10 separate holiday periods can be configured for each system (110 in total). A holiday period
can be anything from one day up to 365 consecutive days.
To create a holiday period, click on the button at the right end of the line
Add holiday period.
To pick a single date, click on it, a marker will indicate your choice, then click on
. To pick a
period, click and hold on the first date, drag the cursor to the last date and release the button. The
period will be marked. Click
. Alternatively, click on the first date, press and hold the
on your keyboard and click on the last date of the period. The period will be marked. Click
Although the calendar seems to extend far into the distant future, holiday periods can only extend up
to one year from the present date. Should you choose a date further ahead than one year, the date will
be replaced by the same date within one year from the present.
To remove unwanted holiday periods, use the
button in the toolbar.
Holidays/holiday periods that have been set will be valid every year, until they are removed. This
means that for example Christmas and New Year will only have to be set once and are then valid for
all future.