Exigo tool manual
Chapter 8
Expansion units
Chapter 8
Expansion units
As of version 3.0, one/two expansion units can be connected to Exigo. Any controller model can be
used as an expansion unit but since the display will not show anything, a controller without a display
is normally used.
Set the selected port to ”Expansion units” and choose under
which controllers
you want to connect. Next, connect them to the computer. Depending on configuration, ”Initiate
Expansion unit 1” and/or ”Initiate Expansion unit 2” will be shown under
. This initiation
function is used for Exigo models which are not factory loaded with version 3.0.
For controllers that are factory loaded with version 3.0 or later, you can select ”Expansion unit 1” or
”Expansion unit 2” under
Application choices
in the controller. In this case, Exigo Tool is not
required to set the controller as an expansion unit.
After initiating the expansion units and configuring the program, all controller units are connected.
Then the master unit is connected to the computer via the chosen port in order for the configuration
to be loaded. The controller is configured in the same way as is described in chapter 5.