Exigo tool manual
Chapter 10
Exigo with web interface
10.3 Web server configuration
As before, all configuration of the controller parameters takes place via Exigo Tool or directly in the
display. No configuration can be done via the web server. For configuration of the controller, see the
previous chapters in this manual or the manual for Exigo.
If the configuration of the controller’s parameters is changed, the website is automatically
downloaded to the web server. You only need to refresh the website if the settings for the website are
Configuration of the TCP/IP port
To configure the TCP/IP port in the Exigo, go to
Tools/Communication settings.
Use a
TCP/IP port in this controller
. Select the right cable when asked. Then press
to find the
correct Exigo.
After the program has found the correct Exigo, select it and click “OK”.
Then click the button
TCP/IP, website and e-mail settings
The tabs in the resulting dialogue box permits the following settings to be made:
IP settings
From here you choose if the controller should have a static IP address or whether the DHCP server
should give it a dynamic IP address.
If the TCP/IP port uses fixed IP and you have given the e-mail server’s network name, you must also
enter a DNS server under
Use the following IP settings
. The TCP/IP port can then translate the
network name into an IP address. If DHCP is used, this will take place automatically.
DNS name
The Exigo can be connected to a DNS name, for example:
DNS name: Exigoweb, Domain: regincontrols.com.
The controller’s IP address will then be connected to the DNS name