Exigo tool manual
Chapter 10
Exigo with web interface
Web user login passwords
The passwords to log on to the website.
s have permission to view all values.
s are
authorised to view and change all setpoints and values.
has the highest access level and can
change all contents of the website.
E-mail server settings
Network address to the E-mail server
Here you give the outgoing SMTP e-mail server, via which the TCP/IP port should send e-mails,
either as a network name (DNS name, e.g. smtp.exampledomain.se) or as an IP address.
Within local area networks, you usually give an IP address. If you are connected to the Internet,
network names are more common. Your network technician or Internet supplier can tell you which e-
mail server you should give.
: If you give a network name, this must be connected directly to the e-mail server. It cannot be
an alias for another network name. To test if you have a directly connected network name, you can
use the Windows command line interpreter to run the
command on the network name (for
example Ping smtp.exampledomain.se) and see if the command reports ”Pinging
Login name and Login password
These two fields are only used if the outgoing e-mail server requires logging on and supports the
AUTH LOGIN method. Otherwise, leave them empty. Other log on methods or coding are currently
not supported.
E-mail sender address
Here, you write the sender address that should be given in the e-mail. Certain e-mail servers and junk
mail filters require that a real e-mail address is used here. Otherwise, you can give a fictitious sender
address, e.g.
. Ask your network technician for advice if you are
Load TCP/IP settings
After the above settings have been made, you download the settings to the Exigo by clicking this