Proprietary Redline Communications © 2015
of 254
April 17, 2015
All wireless links require an associated Service Group for broadcast/multicast traffic and
one or more Services for exchanging data. Multiple templates can be created to
accommodate different operating requirements and the same template may be
referenced by multiple connected remote units.
The second step is to configure each RAP-enabled remote unit with the template name
and password to use when registering with a sector controller. To register successfully
the credentials presented by the subscriber unit must match a template definition on the
communicating sector controller.
Both the sector controller and remote unit must have the RAP feature enabled and
configured for correct operation.
The subscriber security setting 'SC MAC' must allow registration with any sector
controller (e.g., MAC address = 00:00:00:00:00).
If the requested STID name does not exist or the password is incorrect, the sector
controller will not register the remote unit.
Multiple subscribers may register using the same STID template.
RAP links/services are identified in displays by appending the last six numbers of the
registered subscriber MAC address to the template name (e.g., link-02ACD3).
Register up to 16 unique STID templates.
STID Password
(SS only)
Enter the password for this link template.
The subscriber must present this password when registering with the sector controller.
This feature must be enabled by the options key
The password may be up to
fifteen (15) alphanumeric characters including a-z, A-Z, 0-9, dash (-), and underscore
(_). See STID field above for a description of the RAP feature.
Advanced Wireless Configuration
Max. Distance
: (SC only) Enter the km/miles to the subscriber located the farthest
distance from the sector controller. The distance is required to calculate the longest wait
time for subscriber registration requests and reject subscriber signals received from
other sectors (frequency re-use). If the distance is set too close, distant subscribers may
be unable to register.
Enter the distance in kilometers.
: Enter the distance in miles.
DFS Action
: (SC only) When DFS is enabled the sector controller monitors for
interference from radar devices and other equipment using the active channel.
When interference is detected, the unit performs the selected action:
: The DFS function is disabled. Where DFS is required by regional regulations,
this feature is permanently enabled at the factory and can not be disabled by the
installer or end-user.
Tx Off
: When radar signals are detected, the transmitter is immediately switched off,
an event message is logged, and configured SNMP trap messages are sent. After
thirty minutes the unit begins monitoring the RF channel for one minute. If radar
signals are detected, the transmitter remains disabled and the unit waits an
additional thirty minutes before repeating the monitoring cycle. Normal operation
resumes only when no radar signals are detected during the monitoring period.
Chg Freq
: When radar signals are detected the transmitter is immediately switched
off, an event message is logged, and configured SNMP trap messages are sent. The
radio changes frequency and monitors the new channel for one minute. If radar
signals are detected during the monitoring period, the transmitter switches to the