RIA TR R15.306-2014 Technical Report of Industrial Robots and Robotic
Systems-Safety Requirements, Task-Based Risk Assessment Methods.
ANSI B11.0-2010 Machinery Safety; General Requirements and Risk
The integrator of the RML63 robot is required to perform but is not limited to the
following responsibilities:
A comprehensive risk assessment of a complete robotic system.
To confirm the design and installation of the entire system is accurate.
To provide training to users and staff.
To create operation specification of a complete system, and clear description
of use process.
To establish appropriate safety measures.
To use appropriate methods to eliminate hazards or minimize all hazards to
acceptable levels at the time of final installation.
1.5 Hazard Identification
The risk assessment should take into account all potential contacts between the
operator and the robot and foreseeable maloperations during normal use. The neck,
face and head of the operator should not be exposed to avoid touching. The use of a
robot without the use of peripheral safety guards requires first a risk assessment to
determine whether the associated hazards pose an unacceptable risk, including but not
limited to:
The use of sharp actuator or tool connectors which may be dangerous.
Handling toxic or other hazardous substances which may be dangerous.
The operator's fingers being caught by the robot base or joint.
The operator being hit by robots.
The fastness of robot and tool connected to its end.
Impact between the robot payload and the firm surface.
The integrator must measure such hazards and their associated risk levels through a