User Manual
next item. The system will check the entered number; if invalid it will be discarded; if valid there
will be next item configuration.
Create Mode: Uni-direction
In this status use
to change the configured value: Uni-direction & Bi-directional, press ENTER to
confirm and start the configuration of next item.
Deal Mode for Old Relation Data: Retain
In this status use
to change the configured value: Retain & Clear, press ENTER to confirm.
In the configuration process press ESC to exist and the above configurations will be invalid.
(There are seven steps of this configuration: Group No. for Time Slot In, Time Slot Start No. for
Time Slot In, Group No. for Time Slot Out, Time Slot Start No. for Time Slot Out, Time Slot
Number for Create Cross, Create Mode: Bi-directional, Deal Mode for Old Relation Data)
Users can use these commands when set a continuous cross connect, for example the next cross
connect is required:
Bi-direction cross connect the 1-5 channel of cross group 1 with 9-13 channels of cross group 5 (first
user E1) and clear the old configurations, you can use these commands as:
Group No. for Time Slot Out:1
Time Slot Start No. for Time Slot Out:1
Group No. for Time Slot In:5
Time Slot Start No. for Time Slot In:9
Time Slot Number for Create Cross:5
Create Mode: Bi-direction
Deal Mode for Old Relation Data: Clear
Then the required cross connect will be set.
A.22.3 Delete Group Cross
In cross setting menu press number key 3 to delete group cross:
Group No. for Delete Cross:
The entering must be a number from 1 to 8, press ENTER to confirm and start the configuration of
next item. The system will check the entered number, if invalid it will be discarded; if valid there
will be next item configuration.
Time Slot Start No. for Delete Cross:
The entering must be a number from 1 to 31, press ENTER to confirm and start the configuration of
next item. The system will check the entered number; if invalid it will be discarded; if valid there
will be next item configuration.
Time Slot Number for Delete Cross:
The entering must be a number from 1 to 31, press ENTER to confirm and start the configuration of
next item. The system will check the entered number; if invalid it will be discarded; if valid there
will be next item configuration.
Delete Relation: Retain