User Manual
Version Information Command:1-1, Menu Display: M, Return: Q Command:
A.27 Console Setting menu
In main menu press number key 8 there will be console setting menu:
1.Language Select
2.Password Set
Console Set Command:1-2, Menu Display: M, Return: Q Command:
A.27.1 Language Select
In console setting menu press number key 1 to select language:
Language Select: English
In this status use
key to change the language (English and Chinese), press ENTER to confirm.
A.27.2 Password Set
In console setting menu press number key 2 to change the password:
Input Old Password:
Enter your password and press ENTER to confirm (there will be * prompt for each entered
character). If the password is wrong, there will be:
Input password error or input illegal character.
If right, there will be:
Input New Password::
Enter your password and press ENTER for next entering:
Input New Password Again
Enter your password and press ENTER to confirm (there will be * prompt for each entered
character). If it is same with the last entered password, the password configuration will be successful;
otherwise there will be the prompt:
Twice new password is not same, password setting failed.
Anytime press ESC to cancel and the control characters are invalid.
A.28 Quit
In main menu press number key 9 to exit console operation.
A.29 Hot key explanation
For console operation there are four hot keys:
Ctrl + L(l) change language