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enter <P4 DEVICES> menu
enter menu group: <P4.1 COMPUTER>
select port to which a computer is to be connected,
– RS 232 port, for connecting a computer
type B – USB port, for connecting a computer
- USB port, type B, for connecting a computer. Tool for entering data, it
functions as a keyboard. Upon proper modification of non-standard printout and sending
proper command from the computer, or upon pressing ENTER key located on the
operation panel, the data from non-standard printout is entered directly to computer
programs, e.g. Excel, Word, Notepad etc.
Select <USB FREE LINK> port and configure its settings in order to enable correct
cooperation of the balance with computer programs:
SPREADSHEET – value ‘YES --.—‘ – cooperation with Excel type program, transferred
decimal values are separated by dot (.)
– value ‘YES --,--‘ – cooperation with Excel type program, transferred
decimal values are separated by coma (,)
– value ‘NO’ – cooperation with other programs (mass value
transferred in a form of text),
DELAY – if the transferred information is incomplete, i.e. part of it gets lost (due to auto-
entering or auto-formatting of data by computer program) during cooperation with Excel
type program, set the parameter value to <2>. If the transferred information is still
incomplete, the parameter value must be higher. The value ranges between 0 (quick data
transfer) and 9 (slow data transfer – around 10 characters per second).
In the case of Free Link printout (keyboard emulator) all languages without special
characters are operated (‘QWERTY’ keyboard layout), and two languages that feature
special characters:
Polish for ‘Polish (Programmers) keyboard’. To enable support of this language go to
printer settings on your balance and select Windows-1250 code page (Central
European, Latin-
2). The following Polish diacritical signs are added: ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ż,
German for ‘German (Germany) keyboard’. To enable support of this language go to
printer settings on your balance and select Windows -1252 code page (Western
European, Latin-1). The following German diacritical signs are added: ä, ö, ü, ß. The
keyboard layout changes from ‘QWERTY’ to ‘QWERTZ’. The characteristic feature of
such keyboard is ‘ß’ sign located on the right side of the ‘zero’.
Free Link printout option allows printing only signs that are available on a keyboard.
Entering capital letters and special signs, by means of key combination where "Shift"
key is pressed, is also possible.
In the case of Polish and German, basic special characters (written using key
combination of a given letter and right ‘Alt’ button) have been added
Free Link printout option does not support printing of remaining special signs.
– WIFI port
13.1.2. Continuous Transmission
Continuous transmission parameter enables turning on/off continuous transmission of
a measurement result.
Available options: