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Enter the user database
Select the user that is to be removed from the list
The software shows <DELETE?> message in the bottom line
Confirm by pressing
When confirmed, the software removes the selected user from the list
– 1000 different products.
The following data can be inserted for each product:
NAME (30 characters),
CODE (6 characters),
EAN (16 characters),
MASS (with the accuracy of a reading unit),
TARE (mass of the packaging relating to a particular product with the accuracy of a reading
MIN (low limit for the <CHECKWEIGHING> mode, to be inserted with the accuracy of a reading
MAX (high limit for the <CHECKWEIGHING> mode, to be inserted with the accuracy of a
reading unit),
TOLERANCE (tolerance limits to [±] for <DOSING> mode, entered as a % of the target mass).
In order to add a product, enter products database and add name of the product along with
respective data (follow the procedure as in the section above).
9.3. TARES
– 10 different weights of the packaging.
The following data can be inserted for each packaging:
NAME (30 characters),
TARE (packaging weight, enter a value with the accuracy of a reading unit).
In order to add tare – packaging weight, enter tare database and add name of the tare along with
respective data (follow the procedure as in Users section).
Weighings database
is non-editable i.e. the data relating to the weighings is saved automatically. A
user has a possibility of viewing this data and printing it out or exporting it to a PENDRIVE (if such a
need occurs go to later sections for more information on export).
The balance software allows you to save and store up to 5 000 measurements carried out on the
balance. This occurs automatically, after pressing the <PRINT> button, no additional actions or
settings change is needed.
Additional data is saved along with the measurement.
Date of the measurement
Time of the measurement
Measurement result (mass)
Tare value
Name of the product that has been weighed
Person carrying out the measurement (logged-in user)
Working mode for which the measurement has been carried out