Radiolink Electronic Ltd
5.3.8 DELAY:
The Delay function provides a smooth transition between the trim positions whenever OFFSET,
REVO, MIXING, or THROTTLE HOLD functions are turned on and off.
• Separate delay times are available for aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle, and pitch.
• With a 50% delay setting, the servo takes about a half-second to move to its new position, quite a
long time.
• In general, delays of approximately 10-15% are sufficient.
Set up a delay on all
channels to ease the
transition from one flight
condition to another so
there are no ‘hard
Open the DELAY function.
to BASIC menu,
again to ADVANCE
Adjust AILE response as
needed. (Ex: aileron to +8%.)
to 8%,
Repeat for other channels.
to ELEV. Repeat steps above.
Close menus and confirm
E(AT10II) from NORMAL to
IDL2.Check that the servos move gradually to
new positions.
The Governor mixing function is used to adjust the Governor speed settings (rS1, rS2, rS3) from
the transmitter.
What is a governor? A governor is made up of a set of sensors which read the RPM of the
helicopter’s head, and a control unit that automatically adjusts the throttle setting to maintain a
constant head speed regardless of changes in pitch of blades, weather conditions, etc. Governors
are extremely popular in competition helicopters due to the consistency provided.
How does it help in helicopter setup? The governor eliminates the need to spend large amounts of
time setting up throttle curves, as it automatically adjusts the engine’s RPM to maintain the desired
head speed.