SV-360HD 3D Camera System
SV-360HD 3D Camera Installation/Configuration Guide
Radio Engineering Industries, Inc. | 6534 L Street | Omaha, NE 68117
© 2018 Radio Engineering Industries, Inc.
800.228.9275 | p: 402.339.2200 | f: 402.339.1704 |
This document outlines the step-by-step process of installing, configuring and operating the REI SV-
360HD 3D Camera System.
Whether deployed on a school bus, commercial truck, shuttle bus, or standard to short-sized motor
coach, this surround-view monitoring system is capable of synthesizing images utilizing four 180° fish-
eyed cameras to create a true high definition 3D view of the vehicle surroundings.
The technology provides omni-directional (surround view) monitoring around the vehicle from a
dynamically definable perspective or "free eye point." The four cameras used in this system can display
a complete visual of the positioning and moving path of the vehicle, which eliminates blind spots, allows
parking to be less hazardous, and guides drivers through restrictive situations caused by adjacent
vehicles and objects, parking lines, etc.
Various system configurations are applicable such as HDMI/LVDS/AV with alternative version of 2D or
3D integrated four channel car DVR function that supports video loop recording over 24 hours.
The REI SV-360HD 3D Camera System offers the following notable features:
3D video de-interlacing and noise reduction technology for CVBS signal decoding
Guided camera calibration and fish-eye distortion correction
Displays a complete image of the positioning and moving path of the vehicle
An independent fish-eye calibration parameter and algorithm for each camera
Smart power managements to preserve vehicle battery life
High driving video recording resolution of up to 1440*960
Covers blind spots to enable easier maneuvering and safer parking around obstacles and tight
Can be configured using HDMI/LVDS/AV systems
3D and 360° seamless video merging based on a dual-core ARM CPU and hardware with a
high efficiency acceleration engine
Arbitrary and dynamic 3D mode view angle switching for better surrounding observation
Pixel statistic engine for real-time brightness balance among four channels outside cameras
OE quality for main chipset with well protected circuit and devices in order to achieve the best
system performance and stability
Supports alternative recording media for TF card or USB disk
System menu is secured with a three-digit code to protect calibration settings from being altered
Remote control