Installation Guide / ComT 2.0: 5°, 10° and 15°
Code-Compliant Planning and Installation Guide V1.0 - Complying with AS/NZS1170.2-2011 AMDT 2-2016
- Planning -
Determine System Tilt Angle
The PV-ezRack® ComT system is a fixed 5°, 10° and 15° tilt system.
Determine Roof Pitch
The PV-ezRack® ComT system can be used for roof slopes up to 10°. Please verify that the Installation site roof pitch is
less or equal to 10°.
Determine the Installation Area of Roof
Please refer to PV-ezRack® ComT Interface Spacing Table in Certification Letter.
Verify Rafter/Purlin Properties of Building
Please verify the rafter/purlin properties of the building, which could affect the interface spacing. For example, the tin
interface spacing on the metal purlin in the certification letter is based on steel purlins G450 1.9 mm thick. If the steel
purlin is less than 1.9 mm in thickness, the corresponding reduction factor of the interface spacing will be applied. For
different grade of timber purlin, the different spacing will apply as well. Please refer to the generic notes for details.
Determine the Maximum Rail Support Spacing
There are other additional factors (such as PV module dimensions, number of rails per PV module, row spacing
between PV modules) related to maximum rail support spacing. Please refer to the notes of Certification Letter. If a
project specific Certification Letter has been provided, please refer to the support spacing in the provided letter.
Verify Maximum Rail Overhang
Maximum rail overhang is 150 mm for interface fixing (or installed) spacings equal or over 700 mm. For interface fixing
spacings less than 700 mm, max rail overhang is 50 mm.
Verify PV Module’s Clamping Requirements
It is important to check PV modules clamping requirements (for example clamp dimensions, clamping distance from
the end of panel) from PV modules manufacturer before installations, which can help to avoid using incorrect size of
clamps and help to plan interface’s positions on the roof and rail’s orientation and position.