Installation Guide / ComT 2.0: 5°, 10° and 15°
Code-Compliant Planning and Installation Guide V1.0 - Complying with AS/NZS1170.2-2011 AMDT 2-2016
Note 11. Shielding Multiplier (Ms) taken as 1.0. Refer to clause 4.3 of AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 (R2016)
for more information.
Note 12. Wind Direction Multiplier (Md) taken as 1.0. Refer to clause 3.3 of AS/NZS 1170.2:2011
(R2016) for more information.
Note 13. Clamping zone of the PV panels should be according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Note 14. Capacities checked and compared against testing data from Clenergy Australia and MTS
(NATA certified).
Note 15. Maximum permitted rail overhang for fixing spacings equal or over 700 mm to be 150 mm.
For fixing spacings less than 700 mm, rail overhang should be 50 mm. This applies to standard and
East-West installations. Refer to figure 2 and 3 for more information.
Note 16. Excess rail shall be cut accordingly. Refer to installation manual for more information.
Note 17. Fixing spacings are based on a row spacing of 400 mm (Figure 2 and 3). Reduction
and increase factors to be applied for other row spacings as per the below table.
Row spacing
S/- (North facing)
S/- (East-West)
0 mm to < 200 mm
- 20 %
- 20 %
< 200 to < 400 mm
< 400 mm to < 650 mm Apply the same table spacings Apply the same table spacings
> 650 mm
+ 10 %
Figure 2. COMT installation configuration (reference only)
Figure 3. E-W COMT installation configuration (reference only)
Note 18. From the date of publication onwards, any amendment made to any of the above-mentioned
Standards will make this report outdated and a new one will have to be released, unless the
amendment has no implications on this certificate.
- Certification -