Symbol displayed in the controller's display:
[TDS] (total dissolved
Unit of measurement: ppm (mg/l)
Physical variable: Total of all inorganic and organic substances dis‐
solved in a solvent
Display range: 0 …. 2000 ppm
Temperature range: 0 … 35 °C
[TLIMIT↑]: ≤ 40 °C
Setting the TDS value displayed: You can set a multiplicative factor
[TDS] in the [INPUT] menu, with which the TDS value displayed
can be changed.
Displayed TDS value
[ppm] = К (25 °C) [uS/cm] * TDS factor
Setting range of TDS factor: 0.400 … 1.000 (Default: 0.640)
Temperature compensation is always linear on the TDS display
with a reference temperature of 25 °C.
Symbol displayed in the controller's display:
[SAL] units: ‰ (g/kg)
Physical variable: Mass of salts in one kg of water given in PSU
(practical salinity units).
The salinity is derived from the conductivity measured, with a
specified non-linear temperature compensation and a reference
conductivity (KCL).
Display range: 0 …. 70.0 ‰
Temperature range: 0 … 35 °C
[TLIMIT↑]: ≤ 35 °C
The salinity
[SAL] is calculated based on the
[Practical Salinity Scale 1978 (PSS-78)]
Measured variable: TDS value
Measured variable: Salinity (SAL)
Commissioning the Compact Controller for Inductive Conductivity
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