Promega Corporation · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516
TM411 · Revised 4/15
7.A. Errors and Warnings
Initialization Failure: Access Denied, not a valid Promega
User, Please contact your system administrator
Promega User not set up correctly in Windows
. Contact
your administrator/IT personnel to resolve this issue.
USB Device is not found; is it turned off or disconnected?
Tablet PC is not connected to the instrument, Tablet PC
is off or the instrument is off. Check to see if Tablet PC is
connected to the instrument, Turn on the Tablet PC and
turn on the instrument. If the Tablet PC and instrument
are powered on, connected by the USB cable and this
problem persists, cycle power on the instrument and
reboot the Tablet PC. If error still persists, contact
Promega Technical Services.
Open door detected during operation
Open door was detected during operation. The run will be
aborted and samples will be lost. If error persists, contact
Promega Technical Services.
Protocol: Aborted By User
User-aborted protocol.
An aborted run (initiated by the user) will result in
the loss of all the samples.
Do not attempt to repurify
samples from an aborted run.
An error occurred during cartridge placement verification.
Ensure cartridges are fully seated
Instrument detected cartridges were not fully seated in
the tray. Reseat the cartridges in the tray. If error still
persists, contact Promega Technical Services.
Door sensor tripped
Door sensor trip detected. Contact Promega Technical
Door failed to open successfully
Door failed to open. Contact Promega Technical Services.
A previous instrument task is still active. Please try again
User tried to do something while previous run was active.
Wait for the current process to complete. If error still
persists, contact your IT administrator or Promega
Technical Services.
Previous session has timed-out, device disconnected?
Connection was lost during previous instrument
operation or USB was unplugged during a run and then
plugged back in. Check to see that the USB cable is
connected to the instrument or that no one unplugged the
USB cable while the instrument operation was running.
If error still persists, contact Promega Technical Services.
Warning: Failed to Start Extraction: Self-Test has not
Instrument self-initialization has not passed. Contact
Promega Technical Services.
Warning: Startup Diagnostics: Abort of previous run
Instrument detected that previous run was aborted.
Check to see whether plungers are loaded on the plunger
bar. If so run Clean Up protocol from the Settings Menu
and follow prompts to safely remove them. After plungers
have been unloaded remove the deck tray from the
instrument if it is still present.
Warning: Startup Diagnostics: Firmware version change
User warning informing user that a firmware version
change has been detected. Contact Promega Technical