appropriate changes to this item. If you change the parallel port to EPP or ECP, new
items appear that let you configure the EPP and ECP modes.
PS/2 mouse function
efault: Enabled
This item lets you disable the PS/2 mouse connector on this system. You
should disable this item if you are using a mouse or printing device which
connects through a serial port.
USB Controller
efault: Enabled
This item lets you enable or disable the USB ports that are integrated into this
USB Keyboard Support
efault: Disabled
Enable this item if you are using a keyboard connected through the USB
Init Display First
efault: PCI
Use this item to define if your graphics adapter is installed in one of the PCI slots, or
if you have installed an AGP graphics adapter into the AGP slot.
VGA Shared Memory Size
efault: 8MB
You can select the share memory size on this item, but if you want have
better display speed and keep your main memory not be shared on VGA
function, you should select more memory size.
Onboard Sound Chip
efault: Enabled
Use this item to Enable or disable the onboard audio function. If you want to
add other sound card on expansive slots, you should disable this item,
otherwise you enable this item that you can enjoy the music from onboard
Sound Chip.
Current CPU Temperature
Current CPUFAN1 Speed
Current CPUFAN2 Speed
IN0(V), IN1(V), IN2(V), IN3(V)
These items are for hardware monitoring features of this system, so if your
motherboard has this function that you can use it (Please refer Chapter 1).