ISO Image Or CD-ROM Image, image, or disc im-
age. An exact representation of the entire set of data
and programs, as it will appear on CD, in terms of con-
tent and logical format, simulated on some other medi-
um. This is sent to the disc manufacturer (or a CD
recorder) for creating the pre-master/master for mass
Jewel Case The plastic box in which discs are often
shipped and sold. Noted for being fragile and difficult
to open.
Kilobyte Or Kilobytes. 1,024 bytes
Kilohertz (kHz) 1,000 Hertz
Kodak PhotoCD A Compact Disc format based on the
Hybrid Disc specification, used to store and distribute
photographic images for display on PhotoCD players
attached to television sets, or on compatible CD-ROM
drives attached to personal
computers. A PhotoCD is a Mode 2 CD-ROM XA for-
mat disc.
Land The space between two pits along the data spiral
of a Compact Disc. From the pressing side the land is
raised above the pits; from the reading side it is low-
Laser “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emis-
sion of Radiation” A laser beam is a focused beam of
a single wave-length of light, so when it passes over an
uneven surface (like the data spiral of a Compact
Disc), changes in its reflection can be accurately de-
tected, measured, and converted into a stream of elec-
tronic bits.
Layer On a DVD disc (DVD-ROM or DVD-Video),
up to 2 separate layer can exist, each having a maxi-
mum capacity of 4.7Gb. It is possible to have a DVD