DISCRIBE CD Mastering Software
DVD Picker Options
Resolve Aliases - When this option is checked
alias files will be resolved to the original when
they’ve been added into the DVD Picker window.
New Folder - Creates a new, “Untitled Folder,”
within the DVD Picker window.
Add... - You can add a single file to the DVD Picker
window by clicking the Add... button.
Remove - Removes the selected file from the DVD
Picker window
Cancel - Returns you to the main Discribe soft-
ware window without saving any changes
OK - Saves changes to the current project.
If you have the DVD Picker window open click OK to
return to Discribe’s main window.
Writing the Disc
Verify that the correct CD-RW writer is selected then
click the Write Disc... button. Set up your options for
Test Write, Using BURN-Proof/JustLink, In Back-
ground, Open Next Session, Verify After Writing and
Write Speed, then click the Start button to begin the
write process.