DISCRIBE CD Mastering Software
At the bottom of the ISO 9660 Picker are options that
are useful in the creation of your ISO-9660 CD-ROM.
Resolve Aliases - When this option is checked alias
files will be resolved to the original when they’ve been
added into the ISO-9660 Picker window.
New Folder - Creates a new, “Untitled Folder,” within
the ISO 9660 Picker window.
Import Session - Imports data from the previous ses-
sion into the session about to be written.
Naming - Allows choosing between Macintosh nam-
ing, which allows for 31 characters of any type, and
ISO Level 1, which allows for the standard ISO-9660.
Choosing ISO Level 1 will truncate file names to ad-
here to the 8.3 file naming convention, removing any
foreign characters, spaces and changing all letters to
uppercase. For example, a file called, “CD Artwork
For Ad,” will be changed to, “CD_ARTWO.RK_.”
Add... - You can add a single file to the Macintosh HFS
Picker window by clicking the Add... button.
Remove - Removes the selected file from the ISO
9660 Picker window
Cancel - Returns you to the main Discribe software
window without saving any changes
OK - Saves changes to the current project.
Select the options that suit your needs and click, OK.
Writing the CD
Once the data has been added and arranged to your sat-
isfaction just click OK to return to the Discribe main
window. Verify that the correct CD-RW writer is se-
lected then click the Write Disc... button.
Set up your options for Test Write, In Background,