DISCRIBE CD Mastering Software
Mac/ISO Hybrid
Discribe has the ability to write a Macintosh HFS CD-
ROM along with ISO-9660 data on the same CD-
ROM. The beauty of this type of CD is that it contains
a self contained Mac HFS volume, and a self-con-
tained ISO-9660 volume and both volumes have the
ability to share data between each other.
For example, you can create a CD-ROM that contains
Mac specific web pages on the Mac portion of the CD-
ROM, and PC specific web pages on the ISO side of
the CD-ROM, neither platform can see each others da-
ta. With that in mind, you can share common image
files between both platforms so that all the images that
are common for both sites are only written to the CD
once, yet both platforms can still display the images.
Setup of Data
In setup of a Hybrid CD-ROM, it is required that the
Mac only data, and data that is intended to be shared
across to the ISO side of the CD, reside on it’s own vol-
ume. The PC only data can reside anywhere on your
hard disk other than the volume set aside for Mac and
shared data.
Begin Mac/ISO Hybrid Project Creation
From Discribe’s format pop-up menu select Mac/ISO