Install the media server as follows:
1. Bring up the Windows “desktop” display.
If the computer is already powered on and in windows mode, exit any running
programs until the desktop appears. If the computer is off, turn it on and wait
for the desktop to appear.
2. Insert the CD-ROM included with your digital
media adapter.
An animated “splash” screen (accompanied by music) will automatically
appear in 15 to 30 seconds. It will be replaced by a e selection screen 15 to 30
seconds after that.
3. Click the language you prefer.
A function selection screen in the language you selected will appear. It will
contain commands for installing the server, viewing the quick guide and user
manual, and installing a reader for viewing the guide and manual.
Since you are reading these instructions, we assume that you have already
installed the reader if necessary and viewed the user manual. Only
instructions for installing the server are given here.
4. Click the command to install the server.
The installation program will display a message about extracting files, and
then a dialog box for selecting a language will appear. The language that you
select will be used in the next few steps
and in the media server’s user
5. Open the list of languages, click the one you prefer, and click OK.
The installation program will display a message about preparing a “wizard,”
and then the license agreement for the server software will appear.
We assume in the next step that you have read the agreement and you
accepted its terms.
6. Click Yes.
A dialog box for specifying the location of the server in your computer's
directory tree will appear. We assume in this manual that you accept the
“default” (pre-set) location.
7. Click Next.
The installation program will display a dialog box for specifying the “folder” in
the Start menu’s Programs section that will contain commands for starting up
the media server and related programs. We assume in this manual that you
will accept the default folder.