We do not recommend adding URLs to Internet radio files, or modifying their contents
in any other way. We do, however, recommend knowing where they reside. Because
Internet radio files can easily be confused with regular playlists, the server reserves a
special folder for them. You can find out where this folder is by starting Windows’
Search function (
Start > Search > For Files or Folders
), typing
"internet radio"
(including the quotation marks) and pressing Enter. If you obtain Internet radio files
from other sources, we strongly recommend putting them in this folder.
We also recommend using only the Internet Radio subpanel to select existing
Internet radio files for sharing with the media adapter. All .m3u and .pls files selected
for sharing through the Media Import panel are treated as regular playlists.
The instructions below assume that all your Internet Radio files are in the default
location reserved by the media server for such files.
To select an existing Internet radio file for sharing with the media
, go to the Internet Radio subpanel and click the plus sign in its lower
left corner. Navigate to the Internet Radio folder as shown below, select the
desired file type (.m3u or .pls), click the file’s name, and click
It is time to close the curtain on the Media Files panel and its subpanels, sub-
subpanels, and mini-panels. We find it much easier to use than to explain! We hope
our explanations make it even easier for you to use.
This is the last point in the tour that we think is especially suitable for a break. We’re
ready for a tall glass of something refreshing ourselves . . . .