Digital Effects | Master Control
The Digital FX (Effects) Menu
StudioLive™ 16.0.2 USB
Owner’s Manual
Digital Effects | Master Control
From the Digital Effects | Master Control section, you can select and
change the parameters of the two internal effects processors, and you
can store and recall every setting on the StudioLive. Because almost all
StudioLive features are controlled from the mixing surface (rather than
using menus and submenus), you will mainly use this section to adjust the
internal effects processors and to save and recall presets and Scenes.
Power User Tip:
With all menus, the StudioLive remembers which page you were on
when you navigated away to another menu. To quickly jump to page 1, simply press the
menu’s button twice (e.g., to return to page 1 of the FX Menu, press the FX button twice).
The Digital FX (Effects) Menu
The StudioLive features two internal effects processors. Each processor can
access the StudioLive’s selection of high-quality reverbs and delays. Each of
these effect buses can be routed to the aux buses or the main outputs.
To access the effects library and make adjustments to effect parameters, press the FX
button in the Master Control section.
The first page of the FX menu is the QuickView screen. It displays both of the
effects assigned to the internal effects buses and the main parameter for each.
Effect A is assigned to EFX A bus, and Effect B is assigned to EFX B bus.
Use the Next and Prev buttons to navigate through the screen. To change
a parameter, use the Value encoder directly beneath the LCD screen. The
color will invert for each parameter when it is selected for modification.
The Next button will scroll through this screen in the following order: FX A library
selection, FX A main parameter, FX B library selection, FX B main parameter.
When choosing your effects preset, use the Value
encoder to scroll through the library.