Basic Controls
Monitor Bus
StudioLive™ 16.0.2 USB
Owner’s Manual
Main Button. Assigns the Main Mix to the Monitor Bus.
The Main Mix Monitor button routes the same signal that is being sent from
the main outputs to the monitor bus. This signal is always pre-fader.
Power User Tip:
Because the monitor bus is a summing amp, you can listen to the solo
and main buses at the same time. By summing the main mix and the solo bus, you can
raise the volume of the channel you’re tweaking without affecting the mix the audience
hears. To do this, enable both the main mix and the solo bus in your monitors. Solo the
channels you need to work on and raise the Solo Output level so that the channels are
louder than the main mix. This is especially useful when trying to determine the source of
an odd frequency or tone in mid show.