Via Pro/Via Mini User’s Guide: Dialogue AAC
Via® Pro and Via Mini are electronic speech generating devices that augment communication for an
individual with speech/language impairment. Each device and its language programs give the user the
power to initiate conversation, seek information, state opinions, and share feelings. The wrap and shell
provide protection while the Bluetooth® amplifier and speakers increase audio output.
Each device can be accessed by direct selection by making physical contact with the display (for
example, fingers); direct selection aided by mechanical aids (for example, a stylus or head-pointer); or
indirect selection using a variety of switches that enable scanning access. The head tracking feature
allows individuals who are unable to use their hands to alternatively use small head movements to control
where the pointer moves on the screen. The front camera in the device translates these head
movements into pointer movements and activations/selections on the screen. Each device can be hand-
held, placed on a flat surface, used with a table stand, or mounted to a wheelchair.
This user’s guide offers step-by-step instructions for setting up and using your Via Pro or Via Mini device.
For Via Pro and Via Mini product operational or technical support:
If you need assistance in setting up, using, or maintaining your Via Pro or Via Mini device or if you
experience problems, please contact us by phone or email.
Phone: 1-877-872-1428
For Realize Language™ website support:
If you have a dedicated device:
A dedicated Via Pro device or dedicated Via Mini device is set up for communication only. Your funding
source requires that your device be locked when shipped. Guided Access® is turned on, other restrictions
are in place, and you will not have access to apps. If you wish to enable additional features, please contact
Saltillo Sales.