Upon switching on the power to the unit, the display shows model name on the Upper Row and the Firmware Version
Number on the Lower Row for approximately 4 seconds as shown below.
UniRec USB
After the power-up display sequence, the UniRec starts showing the process values for all the Device Channels
sequentially. This is the MAIN Display Mode that shall be used most often.
This is the default display mode. This mode actually comprises of 4 different screens providing different information. The 4
screens are described below. Use Enter key (press and release) to switch from one screen to the next. The multiple
information within a selected screen can be viewed using UP / DOWN keys.
Process Value Screen
This is the default screen upon entering the Main Display Mode. The Upper Row shows the Device channel name and the
Lower Row shows the corresponding process value along with user set Units as shown below.
Oven Temp
Device Channel Name
Process Value
120 C
In case of process value error, the Lower Row indicates the type of error in place of process value and units. The various
errors and the respective causes are listed in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
Process Value above Max. Range
Process Value below Min. Range
Error Message
Thermocouple / RTD broken
Sensor Open
Under Range
Over Range
Communication Link with Device broken
Com. Fail
The channel-wise process value updates depend upon the selected Auto / Manual scan mode. The scan mode can be
toggled between Auto and Manual by holding the ENTER key pressed for approximately 5 Seconds. The front panel LED
indicator glows ON in Auto mode and remains OFF in Manual mode. The channel update rate in Auto mode depends
upon the set value (1 to 99 Sec.) for the parameter ‘Scan Rate’. In Manual mode, the channels can be scrolled using UP
and DOWN keys.
Alarm Status Information
The UniRec monitors and stores the Alarm status for the first two Alarms of each connected Device Channels. If any one
or more set Alarms for a channel is active, the channel is said to be under Alarm condition. The names for the channels
under Alarm condition keep flashing on the Upper Row in Process Value screen.
The complete Alarm status information for the channels under Alarm condition is available on this Screen. For example; If
Alarm1 (AL1) and Alarm2 (AL2) of a channel named ‘Boiler Pressure’ is active then the screen displays the following
User Manual
Section 2