1. Open Microsoft Notepad Application Tool. A blank screen appears.
2. Type the desired name for Channel-1 in the top (first) line and press Enter key.
3. Type the desired name for Channel-2 in the next (second) line and press Enter key.
4. Repeat the procedure for other channels until names for all channels are assigned.
5. Open “File” menu and select “Save” option. In the open pop-up window, select appropriate directory, assign the file
(or only
) and press “Save” button.
6. Copy the file onto Pen Drive in the main directory (outside of any folders) for subsequent
File Read
operation by the
Figure 3.1
1. All the channel names must be written in the sequence starting with name for channel-1 in the first (top) line.
2. Each channel name must be terminated with Enter key operation to indicate the end of the name and for moving to the next line. An
Enter key operation is required for even the last channel name.
3. Do not leave any line space at the top of the file or between two consecutive channel names.
4. Each channel name must not exceed 16 characters. Any additional characters will be automatically ignored. The 16 characters are
counted from the left-most screen position.
File System for Write Operation
UniRec continuously fetches the measured Process Values and Alarm Status from various device channels.
A set of Process Values along with the corresponding Alarm Status for all channels, stamped with the current Date and
Time, is called a
. UniRec stores such records in its internal memory at user set time interval, called
. These stored records are then available for downloading to a Pen Drive via the front panel USB connector.
Each of the installed UniRec creates and maintains its own Record-Data file on Pen Drive using a file naming scheme
User Manual
For channel name assignments, the user can create and save a text document file with the name
using Microsoft
Notepad Application tool. The file needs to be saved on the Pen Drive in the main directory (outside of any folders).
Follow the guidelines below for creating and/or editing the file (
) for channel name assignments. Refer Figure 3.1
for example file.