Automist Smartscan Hydra
DIOM Manual - version 3.01.0
Plumis Ltd Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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system may be required. Mains boosting systems are designed to improve flow rates to all direct on mains
appliances in the home. Select a mains boost system that does not consume electricity. The idea is to
improve the overall resilience of the water supply to the residence rather than just the supply for Automist
E.g. Mainsboost iBoost F200-100-45 by Stuart Turner
Inadequate flow rates and water pressure are common shortcomings for many properties, often resulting in
underperforming showers and water using appliances. iBoost offers a solution. These fully integrated systems
combine a 200 litre cold water storage tank and a high performance, multistage pump to overcome restricted
water flow and insufficient pressure. The iBoost F200 features simple to operate fixed speed controls and can
generate pressures of up to 4.5 bar and flow rates of up to 100 litres per minute, typically operating at 60 litres
per minute at 3.0 bar pressure. It also fits within a 600mm cupboard.
The mains boost tank size should be as follows, if required:
Category of system
Tank size
At least 80 litres
= 60 litres (10 mins supply at 6lpm) + 20 litres
At least 200 litres
= 180 litres (30 mins supply at 6lpm) + 20 litres
High Rise building
At least 500 litres
= 360 litres (60 mins supply at 6lpm) + 140 litres
The domestic cold water tank should be capable of providing the building’s peak demand for the required
duration of Automist’s run time, and Automist’s maximum demand. If the building peak demand is larger
than specified above a suitable large tank should be included. It is worth noting that the rate of automatic
infill is considered in determining these minimum tank sizes.
Backflow Prevention
The product is also supplied with a WRAS approved single check valve assembly (suitable for backflow
prevention up to Fluid Category 2), intended for installation at the inlet. Maximum working pressure: 10.0
Bar. Cold water use only.
Sprayhead Location
The Automist Smartscan Hydra Head is designed to be affixed into a rectangular hole (89+/-2mm wide x
117mm high) that is at least 57mm deep when using the “old work” clips provided on a vertical wall.
If you are installing Smartscan Hydra using a Back box, the hole dimensions are as following: 94mm wide x
119mm high and 60mm deep.
The Automist Smartscan Hydra head must be located where the spray pattern will not be
obstructed and 1500mm horizontal clearance provided 180 degrees around the sprayhead.
Figure 13: Keep 1.5m horizontal clearance around the sprayhead
1.5 m
1.5 m