6. Click the "Gateway" tab and record the numbers listed under "Installed
7. Click the "DNS Configuration" tab. Record the DNS servers listed under
"DNS Server Search Order."
8 . Cl i ck t he "IP Add res s" t ab and t hen check "Obt ain an IP address
automatically." Click "OK"
9. Windows m ay need your Windows 95/ 98/ME CD t o copy some fi les.
After it finishes copying, it will then prompt you to restart your system.
Click "Yes" and the computer will shut down and restart.
TCP/IP Configuration Setting
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Primary DNS Server ____.____.____.____
Secondary DNS Server ____.____.____.____
Default Gateway
3. On th e " Netwo rk" wi nd ow "C on figu rati on" tab , dou bl e-cl ick t he
"TCP/IP" entry for your network card.
4. Cli ck the "IP Address " tab.If "Obtain an IP address autom ati cally" i s
already checked, your computer is already configured for DHC P. Click
" Cancel " to clo se each wi ndow, and ski p to " St ep 2. Di sable HTTP
Proxy"on page 43.
5. Make a note of t he current IP Address and Subnet Mask (a s pace i s
provided on the next page).