Time Zone Setting
Set t he t ime zo ne for the BR L-04EX. Thi s information i s used for l og
entries and client access control.
Advanced Setting
A det ailed setu p of t he local server functi on of thi s product, a vi rt ual
computer (DMZ) function, IP filter ability, etc. is performed.
We highly recommend you keep the default setting.
Address Mapping
Allows one or more public IP addresses to be shared by multiple internal
users. Enter t he Public IP address you wish to share into the "Global IP"
field. Enter a range of i nternal IPs that will share t he global IP i nto the
"from" field.
Virtual Server Setting
If you configure the BRL-04EX as a virtual server, remote users accessing
services such as web or FTP at your local site via public IP addresses can be
au tom ati cal l y redirect ed to l ocal s ervers confi gu red wit h pri vate IP
addresses. In other words, dependi ng on the requested service (TCP/UDP
port number), the BR L-04EX redirects the external service request to the
appropriate internal server and port.
The WAN interface should have a fixed IP address to properly utilize this
function. For exampl e, if you set Type/Publ ic Port to TCP/80 (HTTP or
web) and the Private IP/Port to, t hen all HTTP requests
from outside users will be transferred to port 8080 on
Therefore, by just entering the IP Address provi ded by the ISP, Internet
users can access the service you provide at the internal address and port to
which the BRL-04EX redirects them.
Some of the more common TCP service ports include:
HTTP: 80, FTP: 21, Telnet: 23 and POP3: 110.