The BRL-04EX Plus' firewall can provide the access control of connected
cli ent PCs , block com mon hacker att acks, i ncl uding IP Spoofi ng, Lan d
At tack, Pin g of Deat h, IP with zero l en gth , Sm urf Att ack, UDP port
l oopb ack, Snork Att ack , TCP null scan, and TCP SYN flo oding . The
fi rewal l does not signi fi cantl y affect syst em perform ance, s o we advi se
leaving it enabled to protect your network users.
When yo u select t he " Enable" radi o but ton of the "En abl e or dis ab le
Firewall module function" field, be sure press the "ENTER" button.
Access Control
Using thi s option all ows you to specify different privileges for the cl ient
The following items are included in the "Access Control" screen:
Special Applications
Some applicati ons, such as Internet gaming, videoconferencing, Internet
telephony and oth ers, require mult ipl e connect ions. Th ese appli cati ons
cannot work with Network Address Translation (NAT) enabled. If you need
to run applicat ions t hat require multi ple connections , use t he foll owing
screen t o s pecify t he add it io nal p ubl i c p ort s t o be op ened for each
Speci fy t he port normal ly ass ociated wi th an applicat ion in the "Tr i g g e r
Port" field, select the protocol type as TCP or UDP, then enter the public
ports associated with the trigger port to open them for inbound traffic.
The firewall does not significantly affect system performance, so we advise
enabli ng it to protect your network users. Sel ect "Enable" and cli ck the
"ENTER" button to open the Firewall submenus.