WAN Setting
Select the type of broadband connection you have.
PPP over Ethernet
Some ISPs require the use of PPPoE to connect to their services.
Ent er t he PPPoE u ser name and p as sword as si gned by your Servi ce
The Serv ice Name is normall y opti onal, but m ay b e required by some
service providers.
Enab le t he Aut o-recon nect op ti on to au to mat ical ly re-es tab li sh t he
connection as soon as you attempt to access the Internet again.
Enter a Maximum Idle Time (in minutes) to define a maximum period of
time for which the Internet connection is maintained during inactivity. If the
connection is i nact ive for longer than the Maxi mum Idle Ti me, it will be
If ISP give you a fixed IP address. You can enable "Fixed IP Address" and
key in "IP Address".
Dynamic IP Address
Obtain an IP address automatically.
The Host Name is optional, but may be required by some ISPs. The default
MAC address is set to the WAN's physical interface on the BRL-04EX. Use
t his addres s when regi stering for Int ernet servi ce, and do not change it
u nless required by your ISP. If your ISP used the MAC address of an
Ethernet card as an identifier when first setting up your broadband account,
connect only the PC with the registered MAC address to the BRL-04EX and
click the "Clone MAC Address" button. This will replace the current BRL-
04EX MAC address with the already registered Ethernet card MAC address.
If you are unsu re of whi ch PC was origin al ly set up by th e broadban d
technician, call your ISP and request they register a new MAC address for
your account. Register using the default BRL-04EX MAC address.