Function description
Operating Manual PSEN sc M 3/5 series
| 24
[1] Danger zone
[2] Configured zone 1, monitoring not activated
[3] Configured zone 2, monitoring not activated
Multiple evaluation
When multiple evaluation is active, an object has to be scanned several times consecut-
ively before the safety laser scanner switches the OSSDs to the OFF state. This reduces
the probability that insects, welding sparks or other particles lead to a shutdown of a plant.
If a multiple evaluation of 4 is configured, an object has to be detected 4 times in succes-
sion in the safety zone, so that the safety laser scanner switches the OSSDs to the OFF
With a multiple evaluation > 2 an allowance has to be made to the response time. The
height of the allowance (see
Calculation of the overall response time [
the value of the multiple evaluation and the valid response time (see
details [
Monitoring of reference outlines
An outline within the area covered by laser beams can be defined and monitored in
PSENscan Configurator as a reference outline. The outline is formed from reference points.
When PSEN sc M 3/5 series detects a change of the outline, the safety laser scanner
switches the OSSDs to the OFF state.