Function description
Operating Manual PSEN sc M 3/5 series
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Use of zone sets and monitoring cases
A safety zone and one or two warning zone(s) constitute a zone set.
A monitoring case is a defined signal at the control inputs for the current machine state. For
specific machine state,
specific monitoring case can be assigned.
The safety laser scanner uses the defined signal at the control inputs to activate the zone
set, which is assigned to this monitoring case and therefore to a specific machine state.
When a machine has e.g. different operating statuses, a safety laser scanner can be used
to monitor several operating statuses.
When using two zone sets, the monitoring of zone set 1 can be switched to the monitoring
of zone set 2. The switching is controlled by the configurable inputs.
The standard behaviour when switching the monitoring cases does not plan an overlap of
the zone sets.
Max. number of zone sets
– PSEN sc M with use of 8-pin connection: 3
– PSEN sc M with use of 12-pin connection: 10
Max. number of inputs for switching zone sets
– PSEN sc M with use of 8-pin connection: 3
– PSEN sc M with use of 12-pin connection: 5
Automatic and monitored start/restart
Automatic start/restart
After switching on the safety laser scanner or re-release of the safety zone, the safety laser
scanner automatically starts, and the OSSDs switch to the ON state under these condi-
Both OSSDs are wired correctly
No fault has occurred
the safety zone is free.
If the safety zone is violated, the OSSDs switch to the OFF state.
Monitored manual start/restart
The OSSDs switch to the ON state during operation under the following conditions:
Both OSSDs are wired correctly
No fault has occurred
The safety zone is free
at least 80 ms have elapsed since switching to the OFF state
The start button has been operated and then released again for a min. 0.5 s and a max. 5
s. The start occurs with a falling edge.