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Informacije za uporabnike o odstranitvi odpadne električne in elektronske 

opreme (zasebna gospodinjstva) 

Ta simbol, ki se nahaja na izdelkih in/ali priloženih dokumentih, 

pomeni, da se rabljeni električni in elektronski izdelki ne smejo 

mešati  z  navadnimi  gospodinjskimi  odpadki.  Za  primerno 

ravnanje,  predelavo  in  reciklažo  vas  prosimo,  da  odnesete  te 

izdelke na ustrezne zbirne točke, kjer bodo sprejeti brezplačno. 

V  nekaterih  državah  boste  lahko  vrnili  vaše  izdelke  v  vašo 

lokalno  prodajalno,  v  zameno  nakupa  novega  izdelka. 

Pravilno  odstranjevanje  teh  izdelkov  bo  pomagalo  obvarovati 

dragocene  vire  in  preprečilo  katerekoli  negativne  vplive  na 

človeško zdravje in okolje, ki lahko nastanejo pri neprimernem 

ravnanju z odpadki. Prosimo vas, da za nadaljnje informacije o 

vaši najbližji zbirni točki kontaktirajte vaše lokalne oblasti. V skladu z nacionalno 

zakonodajo se  zaradi nepravilnega odstranjevanja  odpadkov  izrečejo primerne 


Za poslovne uporabnike v Evropski Uniji 

Če  se  želite  znebiti  električne  in  elektronske  opreme  vas  prosimo,  da  za 

nadaljnje informacije kontaktirajte vašega prodajalca ali dobavitelja. 

Informacije o odstranitvi v drugih državah, ki so izven Evropske Unije 

Simbol je veljaven samo v Evropski Uniji. 
Če  se  želite  znebiti  tega  izdelka  vas  prosimo,  da  kontaktirajte  vaše  lokalne 

oblasti ali prodajalca in jih povprašate o ustrezni metodi odstranjevanja. 

Tietoja sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteiden hävittämisestä (kotitaloudet) 

Tämä  symboli  tuotteissa  ja/tai  niiden  käyttöohjeissa  osoittaa, 

että  käytettyjä  sähkö-  ja  elektroniikkalaitteita  ei  saa  hävittää 

tavallisen kotitalousjätteen mukana. 
Jotta  laitteet  käsitellään  asianmukaisesti,  toimita  ne 

kierrätyspisteisiin,  jotka  vastaanottavat  tällaisia  laitteita 

ilmaiseksi.  Joissakin  maissa  kuluttajat  voivat  myös  palauttaa 

käytetyt  laitteet  paikalliselle  jälleenmyyjälle,  jos  he  ostavat 

tilalle uuden vastaavanlaisen tuotteen. 
Tämän  tuotteen  asianmukainen  hävittäminen  säästää 

luonnonvaroja  ja  estää  mahdollisesti  muutoin  syntyviä 

ympäristö-  ja  terveysongelmia.  Lähistöllä  sijaitsevista  kierrätyspisteistä  saa 

lisätietoja paikallisilta viranomaisilta. 
Jätelaissa ja rikoslaissa on säädetty rangaistus roskaamisesta ja lainvastaisesta 


Yrityskäyttäjät Euroopan unionissa 

Jos  haluat  hävittää  sähkö-  ja  elektroniikkalaitteita,  kysy  lisätietoja 

jälleenmyyjältä tai tavarantoimittajalta. 

Tietoja jätteiden käsittelystä Euroopan unionin ulkopuolella 

Tämä symboli on käytössä vain Euroopan unionissa. 
Jos  haluat  hävittää  tämän  tuotteen,  tiedustele  oikeaa  hävitystapaa  paikallisilta 

viranomaisilta tai jälleenmyyjältä. 

Informazioni per gli utenti sullo smaltimento di apparecchiature elettriche 

ed elettroniche obsolete (per i nuclei familiari privati) 

Questo  simbolo  sui  prodotti  e/o  sulla  documentazione  di 

accompagnamento significa che i prodotti elettrici ed elettronici 

usati  non  devono  essere  mescolati  con  i  rifiuti  domestici 

Per  un  corretto  trattamento,  recupero  e  riciclaggio,  portare 

questi  prodotti  ai  punti  di  raccolta  designati,  dove  verranno 

accettati  gratuitamente.  In  alternativa,  in  alcune  nazioni 

potrebbe  essere  possibile  restituire  i  prodotti  al  rivenditore 

locale,  al  momento  dell'acquisto  di  un  nuovo  prodotto 


Uno  smaltimento  corretto  di  questo  prodotto  contribuirà  a  far  risparmiare 

preziose  risorse  ed  evitare  potenziali  effetti  negativi  sulla  salute  umana  e 

sull'ambiente,  che  potrebbero  derivare,  altrimenti,  da  uno  smaltimento 

inappropriato. Per ulteriori dettagli, contattare la propria autorità locale o il punto 

di raccolta designato più vicino. 
In  caso  di  smaltimento  errato  di  questo  materiale  di  scarto,  potrebbero  venire 

applicate delle penali, in base alle leggi nazionali. 

Per gli utenti aziendali nell'Unione Europea


Qualora  si  desideri  smaltire  apparecchiature  elettriche  ed  elettroniche, 

contattare il rivenditore o il fornitore per ulteriori informazioni. 

Informazioni sullo smaltimento in nazioni al di fuori dell'Unione Europea


Questo simbolo è valido solo nell'Unione Europea. 
Qualora  si  desideri  smaltire  questo  prodotto,  contattare  le  autorità  locali  o  il 

rivenditore e chiedere informazioni sul metodo corretto di smaltimento. 

Informasjon  for  brukerne  om  kassering  av  elektrisk  og  elektronisk  utstyr 

(private husholdninger) 

Når  et  produkt  og/eller  medfølgende  dokumenter  er  merket 

med  dette  symbolet,  betyr  det  at  det  elektriske  eller 

elektroniske  utstyret  ikke  bør  kasseres  sammen  med  vanlig 

For  at  det  kasserte  utstyret  skal  bli  behandlet,  gjenvunnet  og 

resirkulert  på  riktig  måte,  må  du  bringe  det  til  nærmeste 

innsamlingspunkt  eller  gjenvinningsstasjon.  I  enkelte  land  kan 

du  alternativt  returnere  produktene  dine  til  den  lokale 

forhandleren, eventuelt mot kjøp av et tilsvarende nytt produkt. 
Hvis du kasserer dette produktet på riktig måte, bidrar til du til å 

bevare verdifulle ressurser og til å motvirke de negative virkningene på miljøet 

og  den  menneskelige  helse  som kan  forårsakes  av  feilaktig  avfallsbehandling. 

Ta  kontakt  med  de  lokale  myndigheter  hvis  du  ønsker  ytterligere  informasjon 

om ditt nærmeste innsamlingspunkt. 
Feilaktig  kassering  av  dette  utstyret  kan  kanskje  bøtelegges,  avhengig  av 

nasjonale lover og regler. 

For bedriftskunder i den Europeiske Union 

Hvis  du  ønsker  å  kassere  elektrisk  og  elektronisk  utstyr,  må  du  kontakte 

forhandleren eller leverandøren din for å få mer informasjon. 

Informasjon om kassering i land utenfor den Europeiske Union 

Dette symbolet er kun gyldig i den Europeiske Union. 
Hvis du ønsker å kassere dette produktet, må du ta kontakt med forhandleren 

eller  de  lokale  myndigheter  og  spørre  dem  om  hvordan  det  skal  kasseres  på 

riktig måte. 

Informazzjoni  dwar  ir-Rimi  għall-Utenti  ta’  Skart  ta’  Tagħmir  Elettriku  u 

Elettroniku (unitajiet domestiċi privati) 

Dan  is-simbolu  fuq  il-prodotti  u/jew  id-dokumenti  ta’  appoġġ 

ifisser  li  prodotti  elettriċi  u  elettroniċi  ma  għandhomx  jitħalltu 

ma’ skart domestiku ġenerali. 
Għal trattament, irkupru jew riċiklaġġ xieraq, jekk jogħġbok ħu 

dawn  il-prodotti  f’punti  ta’  ġbir  apposta,  fejn  jiġu  aċċettati  fuq 

bażi  mingħajr  ħlas.  Inkella,  f’xi  pajjiżi  tista’  tirritorna  l-prodotti 

tiegħek  għand  bejjiegħ  bl-imnut  lokali  max-xiri  ta’  prodott  ġdid 

Billi  tarmi  dan  il-prodott  b’mod  korrett  tkun  qed  tgħin  sabiex 

tikkonserva  riżorsi  prezzjużi  u  tipprevjeni  kwalunkwe  effett 

negattiv  fuq  is-saħħa  tal-bniedem  u  l-ambjent  li  inkella  jista’  jirriżulta  minn 

trattament  ta’  skart  mhux  xieraq.  Jekk  jogħġbok  ikkuntattja  lill-awtorità  lokali 

tiegħek għal aktar dettalji dwar l-eqreb punt tal-ġbir deżinjat tiegħek. 
F’każ  ta’  rimi  mhux  korrett  ta’  dan  l-iskart  jistgħu  japplikaw  penali,  f’konformità 

mal-leġiżlazzjoni nazzjonali. 

Għal utenti tan-negozju fl-Unjoni Ewropea 

Jekk  tixtieq  tarmi  tagħmir  elettriku  u  elettroniku,  jekk  jogħġbok  ikkuntattja 

lin-negozjant jew lill-fornitur tiegħek għal aktar informazzjoni. 

Informazzjoni dwar ir-Rimi f’Pajjiżi oħra barra mill-Unjoni Ewropea 

Dan is-simbolu huwa validu biss fl-Unjoni Ewropea. 
Jekk  tixtieq  tarmi  dan  il-prodott,  jekk  jogħġbok  ikkuntattja  lill-awtoritajiet  lokali 

jew lin-negozjant tiegħek u staqsihom għall-metodu ta’ rimi korrett. 

Kasutajate  elektri-  ja  elektroonikaseadmete  kõrvaldamist  puudutav  teave 


See  toodetel  ja/või  kaasas  olevates  dokumentides  märgitud 

sümbol tähendab, et kasutatud elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmeid 

ei tohi kõrvaldada koos olmejäätmetega. 
Korrektseks  töötlemiseks,  taaskasutuseks  ja  ringlussevõtuks 

viige  need  tooted  kogumispunkti,  kus  need  tasuta  vastu 

võetakse.  Samuti  on  mõnes  riigis  võimalik  tooted  kohalikule 

edasimüüjale  tagastada  juhul,  kui  ostetakse  uus  võrdväärne 

Selle  toote  korrektne  kõrvaldamine  aitab  meil  väärtuslikke 

ressursse säästa ning vältida inimeste tervisele ja keskkonnale 

võimalikke  negatiivseid  mõjusid,  mis  võivad  tekkida  sobimatu  jäätmekäitluse 

tagajärjel. Pöörduge oma kohaliku omavalitsuse poole, et saada lisateavet teile 

lähima kogumispunkti kohta. 
Selle  jäätme  sobimatu  kõrvaldamise  eest  võidakse  kohaldada  siseriiklikele 

õigusnormidele vastavaid karistusi. 

Euroopa Liidu ärikasutajatele 

Kui  soovite  elektri-  ja  elektroonikaseadmeid  kõrvaldada,  pöörduge  lisa  teabe 

saamiseks oma edasimüüja või tarnija poole. 

Kõrvaldamist puudutav teave muudes riikides väljaspool Euroopa Liitu 

See sümbol kehtib ainult Euroopa Liidus. 
Kui  soovite  seda  toodet  kõrvaldada,  pöörduge  oma  kohaliku  omavalitsuse  või 

edasimüüja poole ning küsige neilt korrektsete kõrvaldamismeetmete kohta. 

Информације за корисника о одлагању Отпадне електричне и електронске опреме (приватна домаћинства) 

Овај  симбол  на  производима  и/или  пратећој  документацији  значи  да  искоришћене  електричне  и  електронске  производе  не  треба 

мешати са обичним кућним смећем. 
Да би ови производи били правилно третирани, поново искоришћени и рециклирани, однесите их на предвиђена сабирна места где ће 

бити  бесплатно  прихваћени.  Друга  могућност  је  да  у  неким  земљама  можете  да  вратите  производе  локалном  продавцу  када  купите 

еквивалентни нови производ. 
Одлагање овог производа на правилан начин штеди драгоцене ресурсе и спречава потенцијалне негативне ефекте на здравље људи и 

животну  средину,  који  би  иначе  настали  због  неправилног  руковања  отпадом.  Обратите  се  локалним  властима  за  више  детаља  о 

најближем предвиђеном сабирном месту. 
Неправилно одлагање овог отпада може бити кажњиво по националним законима. 

За пословне кориснике у Европској унији 

Ако желите да одложите електричну и електронску опрему, обратите се свом продавцу или добављачу за више информација. 

Информације о одлагању у другим земљама изван Европске уније 

Овај симбол се односи само на Европску унију. 
Ако желите да одложите овај производ у отпад, обратите се локалним властима или продавцу и распитајте се о правилном начину одлагања. 








Содержание MPR-722 Series

Страница 1: ...ies Please read the operating instructions carefully before using this product and keep the operating instructions for future use See page 39 for all model numbers Operating Instructions Pharmaceutical Refrigerator MPR 722 ...

Страница 2: ... OF DOOR ALARM ꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ25 SETTING THE BUZZER SUSPENDED PERIOD ꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ26 OPERATION CHECK AFTER RECOVERY ꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ26 REMOTE ALARM TERMINAL ꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ27 ALARM FUNCTIONSꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ28 Air circulation alarm ꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏꞏ28 SAFETY ...

Страница 3: ...PR 722 and MPR 722R made by PHC Corporation The contents are subject to change without notice No part of the operating instructions may be reproduced in any form without the expressed written permission of PHC Corporation Proposal for safe storage of refrigerator contents This pharmaceutical refrigerator can store the medical or biological material in the low temperature environment We can offer s...

Страница 4: ... to keep the operating instructions in a place that is accessible to users of this unit USA Only This product has a fluorescent lamp that contains mercury Disposal may be regulated in your community due to environmental considerations For disposal or information please visit PHC website https www phchd com Contains mercury Contenu avec mercure For more information on safe handling procedures the m...

Страница 5: ... install the unit Installation by unqualified personnel may cause water leakage electric shock or fire Install the unit in a location capable of bearing the total combined weight product optional accessories stored items After installing the unit be absolutely sure to take precautions to prevent the unit from falling over If the unit is installed in a location which is not strong enough or if the ...

Страница 6: ...splash water directly onto the unit as this may cause electric shock or short circuit Never put containers with liquid on top of the unit as this may cause electric shock or short circuit if the liquid is spilled Never disassemble repair or modify the unit yourself A high voltage area is located inside the unit Any work carried out by unauthorized personnel may result in electric shock Contact our...

Страница 7: ...esulting in injury A qualified individual must be assigned to supervise the safe movement and relocation of the unit Do not install the unit in a location where corrosive gases such as acids are present Installing the unit in a location where corrosive substances are present may cause electric components to corrode leading to leakage and or electric shock due to the deterioration of insulation res...

Страница 8: the unit has been turned off be absolutely sure to check the settings The settings may have changed as a result of stopping the unit Items stored inside the unit may be adversely affected if operation of the unit is resumed with changed settings Never store corrosive substances such as acids or alkalis in the unit except in a sealed container These may be detrimental to health and may cause cor...

Страница 9: ... occurring on the mains supply Applicable pollution degree of the intended environment POLLUTION DEGREE 2 in most cases SYMBOLS ON UNIT The following symbols are attached to the unit The table describes the meaning of the symbols This symbol is attached to covers that access high voltage electrical components to prevent electric shock Only a qualified engineer or service personnel should be allowe...

Страница 10: ...10 REFRIGERATOR COMPONENTS Main body MPR 722 Back side 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 ...

Страница 11: ...wer MPR 722R The allowable load is 40 kg per drawer Important Do not pull out plural drawers at the same time when putting in and out of the stored items If you store heavy objects it may cause injury due to the fall of the unit 10 Access port This port is used to pass the sensor or cable of measuring equipment or the sensor of a temperature recorder optional to the chamber Replace the insulation ...

Страница 12: ...etween choices page 21 page 23 to page 26 At setting of lock function selects ON OFF of key lock for chamber temperature setting page 20 5 Scroll key At temperature display mode pressing this key for more than 5 seconds leads setting of lock function page 20 At setting mode moves the operator through digit on the display 6 Set key SET At temperature display mode pressing this key leads chamber tem...

Страница 13: ...for the replacement 2 Remote alarm terminal The remote alarm terminal is covered with terminal cover The alarm is relayed to a remote location when a remote alarm device commercially available is connected to the remote alarm terminal Installation of a remote alarm device is recommended when the unit is installed in an unattended location so that the operator of the unit is notified of the alarm R...

Страница 14: ... the ambient temperature is subject to sudden changes it will not be possible to achieve a stable cooling performance A flat surface where the floor is also capable of bearing the total combined weight product optional accessories stored items Install the unit on a flat surface which is even and which is capable of bearing the total combined weight product optional accessories stored items If the ...

Страница 15: ...velling the unit using the levelling feet Rotate the front levelling feet clockwise until the casters are raised 5 mm to 10 mm above the floor surface Fig 1 In addition rotate the levelling feet slightly clockwise or anticlockwise and adjust them so that the unit is completely level When the casters are raised from the floor surface the unit will be secured If they are left touching the floor the ...

Страница 16: hole under the second screw from the top top screw Fig 3 2 The first hole under the fifth screw from the top 3 The sixth hole under the seventh screw from the top 4 The first hole under the tenth screw from the top Important Never put the stored item on the bottom of the chamber Always put them on the shelf or in the drawer in the case of MPR 722R Fig 3 Shelf support Shelf stopper Second screw ...

Страница 17: ...hamber temperature is set to 5 o C at the factory Check the chamber temperature on the temperature display Allow the chamber temperature to fall to the set temperature when the start up after cleaning maintenance or moving 3 Switch on the light switch to check the fluorescent lamp is on After checking turn off the fluorescent lamp if the light is not necessary 4 Set the desired chamber temperature...

Страница 18: ...e air intake vent Air exhaust vent Do not block the air exhaust by the stored items near the air exhaust vent Care should be taken not to place stored items near to the air exhaust vent The stored items may become frozen when the refrigerator is operating at temperature settings lower than 5 o C Load line see figure below The storage area is limited to ensure adequate air flow in the chamber The l...

Страница 19: ...operation 1 Connect the power supply plug to the dedicated outlet only when start up of unit The current chamber temperature blinks 2 Press the set key SET The current setting 005 is displayed and the first digit blinks 3 Press the up arrow key and scroll the figure to 4 The display is changed to 004 from 005 4 Press the set key SET Set temperature is memorized and the current chamber temperature ...

Страница 20: ...Example Change the lock to ON from OFF factory setting Operation Key operated Display after operation The current chamber temperature is displayed 1 Press the scroll key for 5 seconds The current setting L 0 is displayed and the first digit blinks 2 Press the up arrow key once The display is changed to L 1 from L 0 3 Press the set key SET Lock status is memorized and the current chamber temperatur...

Страница 21: ...e up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first digit blinks 3 Press the up arrow key 8 times The display is changed to F08 from F00 4 Press the scroll key once The second digit blinks 5 Press the up arrow key once The display is changed to F18 from F08 6 Press the set key SET The current setting 000 is displayed and the first digit blinks 7 Press the up arrow key and scroll the figure...

Страница 22: ...ature is high the door is opened frequently or heavy moist items are stored in the refrigerator In this case the defrosting operation is started automatically when the defrost sensor detects the frost During the defrosting dF is displayed on the temperature display After completion of defrosting dF display is disappeared and the refrigerator returns to the normal operation Important During the def...

Страница 23: ...m according to the condition of use Operation Key operated Display after operation 1 The current chamber temperature is displayed 2 Press the up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first digit blinks 3 Press the up arrow key once The display is changed to F01 from F00 4 Press the set key SET The current setting 005 is displayed and the first digit blinks 5 Press the up arrow key and s...

Страница 24: ...ture alarm according to the condition of use Operation Key operated Display after operation 1 The current chamber temperature is displayed 2 Press the up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first digit blinks 3 Press the up arrow key twice The display is changed to F02 from F00 4 Press the set key SET The current setting 05 is displayed and the first digit blinks 5 Press the up arrow ...

Страница 25: shows a sample setting Set the desired delay time according to the condition of use Operation Key operated Display after operation 1 The current chamber temperature is displayed 2 Press the up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first digit blinks 3 Press the up arrow key 4 times The display is changed to F04 from F00 4 Press the set key SET The current setting 002 is displayed and...

Страница 26: ...erature is displayed 2 Press the up arrow key for 5 seconds F00 is displayed and the first digit blinks 3 Press the up arrow key 5 times The display is changed to F05 from F00 4 Press the scroll key once The second digit blinks 5 Press the up arrow key twice The display is changed to F25 from F05 6 Press the set key SET The current setting 030 is displayed and the second digit blinks 7 Press the u...

Страница 27: ... output Connection Normal status Abnormal status Between COM and N O open closed Between COM and N C closed open The alarm status of remote alarm terminal is cancelled by pressing the buzzer stop key BUZZER since the remote alarm is operated in conjunction with buzzer However the alarm status of remote alarm terminal is not cancelled by pressing the buzzer stop key BUZZER when the unit is under po...

Страница 28: ...lure has occurred The power supply cord is disconnected The alarm indicator blinks Intermittent tone Alarm mode Door alarm The door is open The door check indicator blinks Intermittent tone with 2 minutes delay The alarm status of remote alarm terminal is cancelled by pressing the buzzer stop key BUZZER since the remote alarm is operated in conjunction with buzzer except for power failure alarm st...

Страница 29: ...chamber temp are displayed alternately The ambient temperature sensor is short circuited Alarm indicator blinks E08 and chamber temp are displayed alternately The exclusive alarm sensor is disconnected Alarm indicator blinks E13 and chamber temp are displayed alternately The exclusive alarm sensor is short circuited Alarm indicator blinks E14 and chamber temp are displayed alternately Battery swit...

Страница 30: ...rtant Never pour water onto or into the unit This may cause electric shock or failure Do not use a brush an acid a thinner laundry soap a powder detergent or boiling water for cleaning These may cause damage to painted surfaces or cause perishing of plastic and rubber components Moreover do not wipe plastic and rubber components with a volatile material Cleaning of evaporating tray This unit is pr...

Страница 31: ...ogether with the lamp cover and wiring Fig 1 4 Remove the water proof cover with the wiring on the both sides of the lamp cover Fig 2 5 Take out the fluorescent lamp and insert a new fluorescent lamp into the lamp cover 6 Replace the water proof cover on the both sides of the lamp cover and then replace the lamp cover to the stopper 7 Replace the stored items on the top shelf or in the top drawer ...

Страница 32: ...2 Remove the water proof cover and replace the glow starter 3 Replace the water proof cover 4 Connect the power supply cord to the outlet and turn on the light switch to check the lighting of fluorescent lamp Important If the unit is unplugged or the power to the unit is interrupted do not restart the unit for at least 5 minutes This protects the compressor Glow starter with water proof cover ...

Страница 33: ...chamber The door is opened No key operation is available The key lock is set in ON L 1 Set the key lock in OFF L 0 During the setting mode the mode returns to the temperature display mode The setting mode returns to the temperature display mode automatically when 90 seconds has passed without any key operation auto return function Noisy The floor is not sturdy The installation site is not level Th...

Страница 34: ...ldren do not have access and doors cannot be closed completely The disposal of the unit should be accomplished by appropriate personnel Always remove doors to prevent accidents such as suffocation Decontamination of unit Before disposal of unit with biohazardous danger decontaminate the unit to the extent possible by the user ...

Страница 35: ...εν πρέπει να απορριφθούν μαζί με οικιακά απορρίμματα Προκειμένου να πραγματοποιηθεί η κατάλληλη επεξεργασία και ανακύκλωση αποσύρετε αυτά τα προϊόντα σε ανάλογα σημεία περισυλλογής όπου θα γίνουν δεκτά χωρίς χρέωσή σας Εναλλακτικά σε ορισμένες χώρες μπορείτε να επιστρέψετε τα προϊόντα σε τοπικά καταστήματα με σκοπό την αγορά ανάλογου νέου προϊόντος Η ορθή απόρριψη αυτού του προϊόντος βοηθάει στην ...

Страница 36: ... pertenecientes a la Unión Europea Este símbolo sólo es válido en la Unión Europea Si desea desechar este producto póngase en contacto con las autoridades locales o con su distribuidor para que le informen sobre el método correcto de eliminación Informacja dla użytkowników o pozbywaniu się urządzeń elektrycznych i elektronicznych dotyczy gospodarstw domowych Przedstawiony symbol umieszczony na pro...

Страница 37: ...aardevolle hulpbronnen en voorkomt u potentiële negatieve gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid en het milieu die anders kunnen ontstaan door een onjuiste verwerking van afval Neem contact op met uw gemeente voor meer informatie over het dichtstbijzijnde inzamelingspunt of raadpleeg www nvmp nl www ictoffice nl of www stibat nl Voor zakelijke gebruikers in de Europese Unie Neem voor het weggooien van e...

Страница 38: ... produkt Hvis du kasserer dette produktet på riktig måte bidrar til du til å bevare verdifulle ressurser og til å motvirke de negative virkningene på miljøet og den menneskelige helse som kan forårsakes av feilaktig avfallsbehandling Ta kontakt med de lokale myndigheter hvis du ønsker ytterligere informasjon om ditt nærmeste innsamlingspunkt Feilaktig kassering av dette utstyret kan kanskje bøtele...

Страница 39: ...nting bracket MPR S7 is necessary For the installation of temperature recorder MTR 0621LH the recorder mounting bracket MPR S30 is necessary BATTERY MOUNTING BOX OPTION It is recommended to install an optional battery mounting box MPR 48B1 to prevent the rise of chamber temperature in the case of power failure At the power failure the alarm activates to prompt an action for preventing the storage ...

Страница 40: ...W x 1 Evaporator Fin and tube type Condenser Wire and tube type Refrigerant R 513A Defrosting Cycle defrost forced defrost Defrost heater 100 W Temperature controller ON OFF control Temperature display Digital display in 1 o C 0 1 o C increments Fluorescent lamp FL20SD FL20SSECW for MPR 722 PE and MPR 722RPE Alarms High temp alarm Low temp alarm 0 o C alarm Air circulation alarm Door alarm Remote ...

Страница 41: ... or less than 80 R H Product name Pharmaceutical Refrigerator MPR 722R Model number MPR 722R PA MPR 722R PR MPR 722R PK MPR 722R PE Temperature control range 2 o C to 14 o C ambient temperature 5 o C to 0 o C no load 2 o C to 23 o C ambient temperature 0 o C to 35 o C no load Noise level 48 dB A scale Maximum pressure 1516 kPa Rated voltage AC 115 V AC 220 V AC 220 V AC 220 V 230 V 240 V Rated fre...

Страница 42: ...Contamination of the unit Unit interior No contamination Yes No Decontaminated Yes No Contaminated Yes No Others 3 Instructions for safe repair maintenance disposal of the unit a The unit is safe to work on Yes No b There is some danger see below Yes No Procedure to be adhered to in order to reduce safety risk indicated in b below Date Signature Address Division Telephone Product name Pharmaceutic...

Страница 43: ......

Страница 44: ...Printed in Japan LDCL058600 0 S1218 0 1 1 1 Sakada Oizumi machi Ora gun Gunma 370 0596 Japan PHC Corporation 2018 ...
