ICON 2000
InstructIon and operatIng manual
10.1 actuator set-up
The above menu allows to view the present
actuator configuration� No change can be made
to the present data� The following data can be
viewed (see table)�
View procedure
• Move the local selector to OFF and then
simultaneously press OPEN and STOP� Select
the language according to the instructions
(see “Entering the view mode”)� When the
message displayed is “VIEW MODE OK?”
press yES� Press yES to select the actuator
set-up menu�
• Press NO to scroll the list of available
routines and press yES to select�
• Press YES to answer at the prompt “view” or
“next” and to see the data�
10.2 naMe plate
use this menu to view the data identifying the
actuator� The data are entered in-house and
can only be changed by the manufacturer� The
following data may be viewed:
Stroke limits
Close direction (CW, CCW), close limit type (torque or position), open limit type
(torque or position)
Torque set-up
Closing torque limit %, opening torque limit %
ESD control
ESD action, signal type, ESD priority
Remote controls
Control type
Local controls
Control type, LED’s color
Output relays
Monitor relay conditions, ASi conditions, contact action
Positioner *
Dead band, motion inhibit time, polarity, %min, %max (%min and %max are present
only if “position request R%” is from 4-20 mA input)
fail Safe *
Action, delay
Out 4-20 mA *
Output signal (position or torque), polarity
Signal type in OP, signal type in CL
2-speed timer
Close direction: status, start, stop, on time, off time
Open direction: status, start, stop, on time, off time
Bus *
Node address, terminations, etc� depending on fieldbus type
Time and date, torque mode, lithium battery, torque by pass %, valve jammed time
The routines with * can only be viewed if the relevant electronic cards are present� If the bus interface is
LonWorks, routine “BuS” changes to “fDI control”� Detailed descriptions of the above routines and their
parameters can be found in chapter 9�
- Serial number: max� 28 characters, univocal
identifier of the actuator by reference to
Biffi acknowledgment�
- Actuator type: max� 28 characters, describes
the type of actuator with reference to
Biffi catalog�
- Torque / Thrust: nominal torque or thrust of
- Actuator speed: nominal speed of actuator�
- Power supply: nominal voltage and frequency
of actuator�
- Motor data: includes the following data
relevant to the electrical motor:
- Power type (3ph, 1ph, dc)
- Power rating, max� 99�9 kW
- In, max� 99�9 A
- Is, max� 99�9 A
- Icc, max 999�9 A
- Duty (S2/15 min, etc�)
- Poles (2, 4, etc�)
- Biffi name, max� 28 characters
- Gear ratio, max� 1000
- Test date: date of the in-house functional test
of actuator�
- Wiring diagram (WD): wiring diagram
number, max 28 characters�
- Enclosure: type of enclosure (Ex d, etc�),
max� 28 characters�
- Certificate: number of certificate,
max� 28 characters�
- Lubricant: type of lubricant,
max� 28 characters�
View procedure
• Move the local selector to OFF and then
simultaneously press OPEN and STOP� Select
the language according to the instructions
(see “Entering the view mode”)� When the
message displayed is “VIEW MODE OK?”
press yES� Press NO to scroll the list of
available menus and press yES to select the
nameplate menu�
• Press YES to answer the prompt “view” or
“next” and see the data in the above list�
- Revision: HW revision of base card,
SW revision of H8 microprocessor,
SW revision of PIC microprocessor�
- Torque sensor: data relevant to the
relationship between motor torque and
speed� This set of data also includes the
factory torque limit setting, “Torque set CL”
and “Torque set OP”�
10.3 ValVe data
To identify the valve and its function in the
process the following data can be viewed:
- Tag name (max� 28 characters)
- Serial number (max� 28 characters)
- Manufacturer (max� 28 characters)
- Break OP torque (max� 28 characters)
- Break CL torque (max� 28 characters)
- Max stem thrust (max� 28 characters)
- flange type (max� 28 characters)
The data should be entered by the valve
manufacturer or by the end user during set-up
View procedure
• Move the local selector to OFF and then
simultaneously press OPEN and STOP� Select
the language according to the instructions
(see “Entering the view mode”)� When the
message displayed is “VIEW MODE OK?”
press yES� Press NO to scroll the list of
available menus and press yES to select the
valve data menu�
• Press YES to answer prompts “view” or “next”
and see the data in the above list�