Rev. 1.04 April 2019
Step 2:
Edit device‘s parameters
After device has successfully added to the Application the user is able to remotely
configure some parameters of this device through the ―Select Category‖ screen.
Here user can find all the available parameter that can edit from the Application:
Emergency Numbers
Service Number
Relay Control
Input Control
Emergency Numbers:
Clicking the ―Emergency Numbers‖ symbol user can store and send to the
GSM Device up to 4 emergency telephone number. These 4 numbers will be
called from the GSM Device in case of emergency.
To do this user should add from 1 to 4 numbers in the textbox and then press
the ―Send Message‖ button located on the bottom of the screen.
User can directly chose an number from his contact list and the same way as
done before.