Rev. 1.04 April 2019
Battery Charging:
GSM Gateway device is equipped with an SLA battery 6,3V
—1,3Ah that charges
continuously with ~ 6,9V, if AC power is online.
Battery status is represented on ―BAT‖ led with 4 different states.
Battery status :
Always On
Battery is full charged 100%.
3sec. On - 1sec. Off
Battery over 70%.
1sec. On - 3sec. Off
Battery over 50%.
Always Off
Battery not connected or damaged.
Battery is able to power the device while is over 50% of its full charge. Below that
threshold device shuts down in order to protect its hardware.
When device is powered from battery and its level is getting low, device activates an
alert software mechanism that sends SMS to the stored ―Low Battery Number‖.
Battery SMS send :
Battery status below 65%
Battery status below 50%
Caution :
Battery status SMS function, will work only if ―Low Battery Number‖ is
programmed and onboard SIM Card is detected.
GSM Gateway device is able to send SMS to any number through onboard SIM Card
according to the international standards.
Device is equipped with this feature in order to answer every valid Incoming SMS.
Any Incoming SMS that does not match the expected format, is rejected and device does
not send
answer SMS
Device receives the incoming SMS, check the authorization (User
– Admin) of each SMS
codes and decides if there will be an answer or not.
Outgoing SMS :