5.9. RS-485 Interace
The digital programmable PCE-P30U transducers are equipped with
a serial interface in the RS-485 standard to communicate in computer
systems and with other Master devices. Asynchronous character com
munication protocol MODBUS has been implemented on the serial in
terface. The transmission protocol describes the methods of information
exchange between devices via a serial interface.
5.9.1. Serial interface connection
RS-485 standard allows direct connection of up to 32 de
vices on a single serial link with the length of up to 1200 m
(with the baud rate 9600 b/s). In order to connect larger number of devices,
it is necessary to use additional intermediate-and-separating
such as
PD51 made by
S.A. Connection diagram is
on the Fig. 3. In order to obtain correct transmission, it is
to connect the lines A and B in parallel to their
equivalents in other
devices. Connection should be made with
a shielded cable. The
able shield should be connected to the
protective terminal as close to the transducer as possible (the
shield should be connected to the protective terminal at one
point only).
GND line is used for additional protection of the interface line in case
of long connections. In such a case, GND signals of all devices on
bus should be connected.
To obtain a connection with a PC, an RS-485 interface
or an appropriate converter, e.g.
PD51 or
PD10, is required.
The method of connecting devices has been shown on fig. 29.