FTP protocol has been implemented in P30 transducers.
The transducer operates in a server FTP mode and enables clients
access to the transducer’s internal file system memory. Files can be
accessed by a PC, tablet with an installed FTP client software or with
another device operating in FTP client mode. Port “1025” – data port
and “21”– command port has been used for transmitting files via the FTP
protocol. The user can change the FTP protocol ports if it’s required.
Please note that the ports configuration of the server and client must
be identical.
The FTP client software can operate in passive or active mode. It is
recommended that passive mode should be selected, because in such
a case the connection is completely set up by the client (the client se-
lects the data port). In active mode, the server selects the data port,
e.g. port “1025”. For transmitting files with the transducer, the maximum
of one simultaneous connection can be used, therefore the maximum
number of connections in the client program should be limited to “1”. FTP user selection
The transducer has two user accounts for the FTP server
protected with individual passwords:
user: „
”, password: „
” - writing and reading file
user: „
”, password: „
” - only reading file access
FTP server user names cannot be changed, but the user
passwords can be changed for every user. It is recommended to change
the passwords for safety reasons. Password can be changed only
through the website in the “Ethernet” parameters group. Passwords
consist of 8 characters maximum. If user will lose password and will
not be able to use the FTP server, default settings
of the Ethernet interface should be restored, e.g. using menu:
or enter “1” in register 4080.
All default Ethernet interface parameters (see table 17) and FTP server
5.10.3. FTP server