Changing the
value in the menu will delete the archive
in the internal memory!!!
5.8.2. Internal memory
The internal transducer memory is divided into 8,192 pages.
Each memory page can store 66 archive data records. Records
on the page always begin from the page beginning and occupy
the entire space of the page. Each memory page contains 528 bytes.
The memory is divided into two areas: the first 8,096 memory pages
are for the primary archive memory, whilst the last 96 pages are inten
ded for reserve archive used during the operation of copying of archive
to the SD/SDHC card or the file system internal memory. (total memory
is 8,096*528B + 96*528B = 4,275,312 Bytes).
The beginning of the archive data is defined by the number
of the page on which there is the first record of the archive
and by the initial byte which defines from which page byte the first re
cord begins. The end of the archive is defined similarly by the number
of the page on which there is the last record of the page on which there
is the last record of the page and the byte where recording of the next
archive record will begin.
Erasing the content of the archive internal memory is done by as-
signing parameters of the archive end to the archive beginning.
Due to this operation, in case of deleting the archive,there is possibility
to restore the memory content.
Data in the archive internal memory are stored as records consisting
of 8 bytes. The current state of internal memory use can be indica
ted on the LCD display after selecting the function of displaying the
unit with the indication of the internal memory use status at the lower
line of LCD display. Table 18 describes the meaning of the internal
memory status indicator.