The stroller is not designed to by driven down the stairs.
Ensure yourself that the fixing accessories, safety bar and other equipment is fitted and adjusted correctly.
Do not stand on the footrest.
The brakes must be engaged at all times when the stroller is not moving.
Getting over the curb practice firstly with an empty stroller.
The attendant must take precautions against the fire risk. In buildings, check the location of fire exits and ensure
procedures are understood.
Do not let children play with or hang on the stroller.
During the drive keep full attention, to avoid any dangerous situation or collisions.
Do not overload the stroller. Overloading of a chassis, seat, bag or basket causes reduction of stability of the
Make the full attention, when manipulate with the stroller, not to injure the child or yourself.
If it is possible, always use drive
up ramps or lift to overcome any access restrictions.
Always lift the stroller in two persons.
Never transport the stroller when you and/or assistance are not sure if you can transport the stroller with the child
When you drive the stroller on the road, follow the road traffic regulations.
Do not use the stroller for any other purposes then it is designed for.
The stroller is designed to carry only one child.
Do not use any other than original PATRON accessories designed for this product.
When the stroller is folded and unfolded, the user guide must be followed carefully, to avoid any damage on the
construction what could affect the product stability.
In case of apparent defect, which limits product
s safe using (e.g. damage of chassis, part falls away or other
optically visible defects, cracks etc.) it is necessary to stop using the product immediately and contact your local
official distributor or service centre.
Company PATRON does not bear any responsibility for the damages caused by using other than original PA-
TRON accessories supplied by this company.
Company PATRON does not bear any responsibility for the damages and accidents caused by inappropriate use
of this product.
1) Chassis:
Assembling the stroller (with attached seat):
Place folded stroller on wheels. Unbutton and release the transport safety
catch on frame. To open the undercarriage
stay between the rear wheels and hold handle tightly. Move handle up and backwards until the handle folding re-
lease is fully locked in its end position (3). To check the locking position, move upwards the handle to ensure that
both mechanism are fully locked (the undercarriage must not start folding). Release backrest recline adjustment
lever (17) and set the position of backrest. Tighten lever properly. Release the footrest angle adjustment lever, set
the position of footrest and tighten lever again. Unfold the footplate. Attach the safety bar. Attach and adjust fixa-
tion accessories if needed. The stroller is assembled.
Folding the stroller (with attached seat):
Apply the parking brake and take off the safety bar. Press both buttons on footrest hinge simultaneously and set the
position of footrest a bit less than horizontally ca 20 degrees. Close the footplate. Release the backrest recline ad-
justment lever and push backrest as far as possible forward, towards the seat base. (It is recommended to take out
the exceeding fixing accessories and adjust the seat width by side plates to the maximum limit, which enables to
decrease the size of the folded seat). Tighten the lever. Lift the handle folding release movable parts on both sides
and fold the handle forward towards the front wheels. Ensure folded undercarriage by transport safety
catch. The
stroller is folded
Parking Brake:
To engage the brake, press brake lever pad on both sides fully till the end position. To disengage the parking brake,
lift both brake lever pads.
Swivel lock:
If needed, the front wheel forks can be locked against vertical rotation. To lock the castor forks lift and turn the
swivel lock pin by 90° on both sides and let it to snap in in the designated hole on the castor fork.
Handle height adjustment:
To change the handle height position press the black plastic buttons on the handle hinges on both sides simultane-
ously (2), set the handle to desired position, release buttons. Handle will lock in new position automatically, you
will hear the locking sound.
Safety Bar:
To take off the safety bar press pin release on both sides simultaneously and pull the bar upwards to remove it. To
insert the safety bar, both pin releases have to be pointed ahead. Press slightly both press pins and insert the safety
bar into the tube inlays at once until the pins are locked. Check the correct position of safety bar by slight pulling
Nastavenie dĺžky podnožky:
Plastovými ružicu povoľte dve skrutky na zadnej strane rúrky podnožky. Vysunutím alebo zasunutím nastavte
potrebnú dĺžku podnožky. Následne utiahnite skrutky (plastové ružice).
Štandardné príslušenstvo:
košík pripnite pomocou popruhov s autopatenty na prednej spodnej oblúkovou rúrku podvozku a na
hornú stredovú trubku podvozku. Zadné poruhy košíka pripnite k úchytom na zadnej časti podvozku, nad brzdami
zadných kolies.
odopnite všetky popruhy s autopatenty.
Transportná poistka podvozku:
prezlečte poistku okolo nosníka podvozku, prevlečte "očkom" popruhu a zaistite autopatentem.
rozopnite autopatent, uvoľnite popruh.
Voliteľné príslušenstvo:
K produktu je ponúkaná široká škála špeciálneho fixačného a určujúceho príslušenstvo. Návod na obsluhu na tieto
príslušenstva nájdete v separátnej brožúre.
2) Obsluha kočíka:
Nasadanie do kočíka:
Kočík zabrzdite. K uľahčenie nasadanie je vhodné požiadať dôveryhodnú osobu, aby kočík podržala. Opatrne po-
saďte dieťa do kočíka, zapnite všetky fixačné doplnky, ktorými je Váš kočík vybavený, pripevnite hrazdičku a
upravte podnožku do potrebnej polohy. Dbajte na to, aby dieťa vždy sedelo pohodlne.
Vysadanie z kočíka:
Kočík zabrzdite. K uľahčenie vysadanie je vhodné sklopiť podnožku a požiadať dôveryhodnú osobu, aby kočík
podržala. Rozopnite všetky fixačné doplnky, ktorými je Váš kočík vybavený, zložte hrazdičku a opatrne vyberte
dieťa z kočíka.
Prekonávanie obrubníka a nízkych prekážok:
pevne držte vodítko kočíka, choďte prednými kolesami kolmo na hranu obrubníku, malým tlakom na vodítko
smerom nadol trochu nadlehčete predné kolesá kočíka a opatrne nimi zíďte z obrubníka. Malým tlakom na vodítko
smerom nahor trochu nadlehčete zadné kolesá kočíka a opatrne nimi zíďte z obrubníka.
choďte prednými kolesami kolmo k obrubníku, tlakom na vodítko smerom nadol a našliapnutím zadného
rámu podvozku smerom nadol zdvihnite predné kolesá kočíka do potrebnej výšky a choďte nimi na chodník. Tla-
kom na vodítko smerom nahor zdvihnite zadné kolesá kočíka do potrebnej výšky a choďte nimi na chodník. V
žiadnom prípade nenarážajte prednými kolesami do obrubníka!
Prenášanie kočíka:
použite nájazdovou rampu alebo výťah vždy, keď je to možné
ak musíte prekonať schody, musí kočík prenášať najmenej dve osoby
nikdy neprenášajte kočík ak si Vy a Váš pomocník nie ste istí, že kočík aj s dieťaťom bezpečne prenesiete
ak pri prenášaní kočíka pocítite únavu, oddýchnite si
pri prenášaní kočíka nesmie mať dieťa ruky mimo kočíka
nikdy kočík nedvíhajte za hrazdičku ani za podnožku
Zo schodov:
Pevne uchopte vodítko kočíka a choďte prednými kolesami kočíka kolmo k hornej hrane schodiska. Váš pomocník
pevne uchopí podvozok kočíka nad prednými kolesami. Kočík spolu nadvihnite, opatrne zneste kočík dole a postav-
te ho na všetky štyri kolesá (obr.7).
Do schodov:
Pevne uchopte vodítko kočíka a choďte zadnými kolesami kočíka kolmo k spodnému schodu schodiště.Váš pomoc-
ník pevne uchopí podvozok kočíka nad prednými kolesami. Kočík spolu nadvihnite, opatrne vyneste kočík hore a
postavte ho na všetky štyri kolesá (obr.7).
Poťah kočíka je snímateľný a možno ho prať ručne (max. 40 ° C).
Na poťahu rozopnite zips na zadnej strane chrbtovej opierky. navlečte
zhora na opierku chrbta a pripevnite pomocou našitých suchých zipsov k chrbtovej
opore a sedadla kočíka. Pretiahnite poťah cez bočnice sedadla,
zapnite zips poťahu chrbtovej opierky.