Indented Follow Cues
One of the cue properties is to make the next cue Follow On from this one (either “In
Time” or “Follow After Fade”). If ‘Boy’ Follows On to ‘Girl’, you will now see ‘Girl’
indented with the Follow icon to its left. That indicates to you that stage management will
call the ‘Boy’ cue, but you don’t press GO for the ‘Girl’ cue; it will happen on its own.
PLAY Task Overhaul
Earlier versions of Cognito showed you up to ten different Playlists in the green
L.Playback toolbar (above the main task bar). To change Playlists on the Playback,
you’d just select a new Playlist from the toolbar. We’ve changed this now to give you five
different tools to modify how your Playlist acts.
To change Playlists on a Playback you must now press the “Select Playlist” button on
the right of the toolbar. There you will be given the grid of all the Playlists in the show
files and you just touch one to select it. Once selected, you will see its name on the very
left hand side of the toolbar. (In the case above, it’s “Talk Tonight”.) The small green
arrow below the name indicates that it is a regular Playlist and you go from cue to cue by