How to Playback Cues (Playlists)
Touch the PLAY icon, then either “L Playback” or “R Playback”, to choose either the Left
Playback or the Right Playback. Ensure the correct Playlist is highlighted on the Playlist
Toolbar, or select the one you require by touching its icon.
The first cue is selected by default, or double tap the cue you wish to run. A green arrow
will appear inside the cue cell. Press the “Go” button to execute the cue.
Touch the Up/Down arrow icons next to the cue list to move through the cues. To go to
the top of the Playlist, press and hold the Shift key, then touch the Up arrow icon. To go
to the bottom of the Playlist, press and hold the Shift key, then touch the Down arrow
To pause a cue, press the Pause button above the Playlist fader. To cut back to the
previous cue, press the Pause button a second time.
How to Save a Show
Cognito automatically saves all changes to a non-volatile memory. If you wish to back
up to USB, insert a USB thumb drive into any USB port on Cognito. Press the Power
Button once. Touch the Setup icon, then the Showfile icon. Select “Save to USB”.
How to Shut Down the Console
Press the Power Button twice in quick succession to immediately turn it off.
How to Get Help
Press the Help button to the right of the screen to get context-sensitive help overlays.
While in the Help overlays, touch the Question Mark icon in the upper left hand corner to
open the Help Tutorials, which provide greater detail on programming and operational
For further information on operating Cognito, visit our YouTube video library at
www.youtube.com/pathwayconnectivity or use this QR code:
Questions may be emailed to support@pathwayconnectivity, or use this QR code: